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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mysims Agents part 2

Hey, good news, I managed to beat this game so we can finish MySims Agents part 1 but in a different post.
(Question mark = players name)

After you fix the crane and obtain the third letter Present ? goes to Poppy and he/she asks her if he/she could borrow Poppy's invitation to Madame Zoe's (who is in possession of the Fortunite crystal) dinner party, and then Present ? goes to a Bayou with Madame Zoe's mansion and discovers that Madame Zoe's butler is an undead zombie that asks for his/her invitation card, then Madame Zoe takes everyone to the Crystal room, where the Fortunite is shattered with shards of it on the floor. Then Present ? begins to find out who did it. First clue; Carl's (the zombie's first name is Carl) footprints begin at the dumbwaiter, then go to Carl's toolbox and then end at the Gargoyle statue that once held the Fortunite crystal. Second clue; Carl's hammer was covered in Fortunite shards. Third clue; Present ?, Buddy, and one of the guests, a actor named Trever, put on a play that made Carl's guilt get the better of him. It turns out that the zombiefied butler did it, in fact, Trever said "I starred in 30 plays where "the butler did it". HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING!?" But later, it turns out that the crystal smashed was a fake, and Carl was hypnotized by Madame Zoe so that the guests would leave and she can keep everything that her now dead uncle has left to be up for grabs, but it turns out that the estate goes to Poppy's sister, Violet Nightshade. After the crystal was Present ? was in possession of the Fortunite crystal, he/she and Buddy go to the beach to learn about what Morcubus is doing there. First ? helps a SURFER find out what smashed his surfboard. One clue was; there were tire treads around the scene of the crime, hinting that a jealous daredevil named Chaz Mcfreely did it. The second clue; there was slime all over the board, hinting that a animal did it. Third clue; an eye-witness claims that an angry Kracken named "Mr. Suckers" did it (although ? didn't believe this so he/she needed more evidence). The fourth and final clue; ? joined Clara (the eye-witness, most people think she's premature due to having countless imaginary friends and claims that it's "animal cruelty" to make cheeseburgers, sushi, crab-cake and any other food that requires animal meat to make that I didn't mention by name, DOES SHE NOT KNOW THAT CHEESEBURGERS ARE DELICIOUS!?) on a tea party with Mr. Suckers, thus proving his existence and admits that he accidentally smashed Luke's (the surfer's name is Luke) surfboard. When ? tells Luke this, he/she says "You don't believe a single word I just said, don't you." but Luke says "I believe.... It's my destiny to surf alongside a giant squid." then a thought bubble coming from Luke's head shows him surfing alongside Mr. Suckers with Clara siting on Mr. Suckers' head. Then ? helps a TATTOO SELLER named Justice find out what happened to his missing crab cages (Justice is addicted to crab-cake, so he has his own crab traps.) the suspects are; Clara (possibly destroyed the traps to "liberate" the crabs), Chef Wantanbe, a sushi chef (possibly stolen to help make his newest sushi roll, the "Super Crab Jumbo" roll), and Yuki, one of the Morcugirls (possibly accidentally destroyed during a joy-ride using a submarine). The first clue; submarine oil was seen at the scene of the crime. The second clue; Wantanbe's knife was dropped at the scene of the crime. The third clue; Wantanbe's footprints were seen entering and emerging from the water near the scene of the crime. The fourth clue; the ropes that once held Justice's crab traps were seen tangled in a Morcucorp Submarine propeller. After solving this case ? and Buddy meet Dr. F and his robot best friend T.O.B.O.R. in a mobile lab on the beach and tells them that they can help with their latest problem, trying to find out what is in a treasure chest hidden in a sunken pirate Morcucorp is looking for. T.O.B.O.R. reveals that he has a remote control, but there's a big glitch; Dr. F lost it. But ? finds it, but there's another big glitch; the remote's broken. But ? manages to fix it, but there's another big glitch; the batteries are dead. But Dr. F later gives ? extra batteries, But there's ANOTHER big glitch; T.O.B.O.R. reveals that he has a fear of seaweed. But ? manages to obtain an microchip that is supposed to replace the "Kelpophobia" with a fear of acorns. Then ? turns on the remote, then T.O.B.O.R.'s head spins in a 360 direction with electricity coming out of his body, then the screen that make up his face turns black and starts moving as if he is being remotely controlled (witch he is) and then swims to the sunken ship. From there, the player must pilot T.O.B.O.R. through the ship and find the treasure chest (that has a map that reveals the location of the CROWN OF NIGHTMARES) Then T.O.B.O.R. gives the map to ? (the picture on the paper shows a badly drawn map that looks almost completely cartoonish). Then ?, Evelyn and Buddy go to the Amazon Jungle and shortly find the Temple that contains a magic artifact (possibly the Crown of Nightmares) as well as their Guide, A girl named Lyndsay, and then they try several attempts to open the door (although all of those attempts failed) Then ? tried to solve the riddles written on the pedestals. (the answers are here; "The Earth Pedestal requires you to climb up to the top of Gaia Tree on the left side of the temple. There, you'll find Magellan and several other lemurs. You must then talk to him about the Pedestal and he will then go stand on the Earth Pedestal, which will then be activated. He is able to this because of his special collar." "The Wind Pedestal can only be unlocked after getting into the Moon Temple. However, Vincent blocks the way, and you can only get him to move by finding the treasure of the Sun Temple and then giving it to him. After he leaves, you must go into the Moon Temple and pick the lock on a chest so you can open it. When the chest is open, you will find a horn. You must then ask Buddy to play the horn on the Wind Pedestal, which he agrees to. The Wind Pedestal will then be unlocked." "The Water Pedestal requires you to fill a cup with pure water. The cup you seek is located in the Sun Temple. You must then find several gear parts from around the Jungle (such as in Vincent's computer, his tent, in the water-mill, etc.). You then have to climb up the side of the temple and use the gears to fix the fountain, and then have Roxie examine the water. She will reveal it's completely pure and you can give it to Lyndsay who will stand on the pedestal, thus activating it." "The Fire Pedestal requires the torch that never goes out. This torch can be found in the Sun Temple, but only after messing with the direction of sunlight with mirrors. Once you recover the torch, you can give it to Evelyn. Evelyn will stand on the pedestal and activate it.") Once ? does so, the door will open up, and ?,Buddy, Lyndsay, and Evelyn meet a deranged man that calls himself "King Mike" and lectures ? and his/her friends and runs away, then ? tries to catch up with him. But there's a big glitch; ? has to bypass dragon heads that have flamethrowers in their mouths. But ? manages to deactivate them. But there's another big glitch; the next room has narrow pathways (the player must TIGHTROPE walk on these pathways) and has EXTREMELY strong wind. But ? barely makes it to the top. There, King Mike says that you must find him new "friends" (by friends I mean get two coconuts and carve faces into them and give them to Mike, his craziness will make him think that coconuts are like family), then he will help you get to the treasure chest that possibly contains the Nightmare Crown. Once open, the Nightmare Crown is not in there, and Mike reveals that the Crown is in the Grotto the whole time (the Grotto is the first room that you enter when you go in the Temple). When Mike and ? go back to the Grotto, it turns out that Mike is actually Evelyn's long lost father. But when they leave, Morcubus and the Morcugirls were waiting outside and reveal that they put a tracking device in Evelyn's research journal (she has been using the journal throughout the game) and have been following ? and friends the whole time. Then Morcubus steals the Crown and activates it. But then, Evelyn sacrifices herself to prevent Morcubus from ruling the world by throwing herself and Morcubus into the vortex that lead to the NIGHTMARE REALM. THE END

an example of what an average MySim as an agent looks like (with F-zero space manipulator)

*King Mike thought you were a figment of his imagination at first, but realizes you are real when you hire him.
*T.O.B.O.R. is robot spelled backwards.
*Paul the Yeti are the only "Around the World" character you cannot hire.
*Makuto and T.O.B.O.R. are considered siblings by fans because they were both built by Dr. F and are both robots, but during Makuto's Dispatch mission, it turns out that they are cousins.
*Despite being the Culprit at the Mountains, Preston can be hired after your trip to the Mountains.
*the secret character Marlon the Wizard is considered and uber character due to having the highest Paranormal ranking out of any character in the video game.
*Isaac Clarke was originally going to be in the game, but was removed for some reason.

Friday, July 22, 2011

MySims Agents

MySims Agents is a pretty good game, despite lacking explosions or fighting like in secret agent movies, it instead has you play Sherlock Homes.

The game is like this (I don't know what happens at the end of the game, although I tried Wikipedia). First a MySim called Buddy tells you that he now writes his own comic books based on secret agents, but he then says "But what nobody knows about my comics is that their based on REAL live events, in fact, the main character is actually my BEST FRIEND! Here, I'll draw a picture of what he/she looks like." Once this part of the conversation is over you must create your own MySim. Then Buddy Says "But when we were teenagers, He wasn't a secret agent, and I wasn't a Comic Book Writer, we were classic detectives. Back then, we didn't have are own office, but Chef Gino let us use his restaurant, GINO'S PIZZERIA, as a temporary office, well... as long as we bought some some pizza now and then." After this Past Buddy is seen siting at one of Gino's tables eating pizza, then Past ? barges through the front door, complaining on how he wished to be a secret agent one day. Then Past Buddy says "Being a secret agent would be SO cool! Hey, do you mind if I draw YOU as a secret agent?" Past ? then says "Go ahead." Then Past Buddy starts drawing Past ? as secret agent (the picture will show Present ? Instead of Past ? as a secret agent). Just as soon the picture is complete a flower girl named Poppy runs in looking for Past ? with tears in her eyes. Once she finds him/her, she says "? I need your help!" Once Past ? asks her the problem she says "A UGLY man in RED AND GREY CLOTHES stole my DOG!" Then they later meet the "the UGLY man in RED AND GREY CLOTHES" to be Past Morcubus, (who is actually the main villain In Present Buddy's comic books) a man who Past Poppy's dog (who was renamed "Killfang" by Morcubus, even though the dog's real name is "Dogwood"). Past ?'s first clue to who really own Dogwood/Killfang was Dogwood/Killfang's favorite chew toy, Past Poppy said his favorite chew toy is a pink ball, while Past Morcubus said it was bones. after Past ? hands both toys to Dogwood/Killfang he clearly didn't like the bone but DID like the pink ball. The second clue was why Dogwood/Killfang was trying to climb over a wall, Past ? then investigates on the other side, only finding a few trash cans and a dumpster, but that doesn't stop him/her, after dumpster diving Past ? finds some jerky and gives it to Dogwood/Killfang and finds out that he was trying to get the jerky. Once the case results are go, it turns out the Past Poppy is Dogwood/Killfang's owner. Then Past Morcubus throws a tantrum and says "You shall bow before ME when I RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" before disappearing. Afterwards Past ? goes back to GINO'S PIZZERIA and meets a strange man in a tuxedo, the man introduces himself by saying "? I've been watching you out there, you did a good job on that case. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Walker, SPECIAL AGENT Walker." After Past Buddy says "No way! You're a SECRET AGENT!?" Walker answers by saying "Special Agent, to be exact. And I'm here to recruit both of you into AGENTS. But before I take you to HQ, help some more people if they need a mystery to be solved." Then Past ? helps Past Shirley find out who left the "secret love flowers" at her doorstep. The suspects are Skip Rogers the Mayor, Patrick the Construction Worker, and Chef Gino. The first clue; Past ? asks all the suspects if they bought a bouquet of "secret love flowers", surprisingly they ALL bought a bouquet, but for different  reasons, Gino bought a bouquet to make his latest pizza, the "SECRET LOVE PIZZA", Patrick pre-ordered some but the delivery never showed up, and the Mayor used them as a decoration. The second clue; a love note: After looking at the hand writing he/she decides to get a hand writing sample of all the suspects, first Past ? checks the menus made by Gino, his hand writing is too cursive, Next he tried Patrick's blueprints, his hand writing is too sloppy, and finally he/she asked to see the Mayor's files, but he keeps his files in a vault, then Past ? jumps from rooftop to rooftop until he/she reaches the Mayors house and spies on Past Rogers to learn where the vault is and how to open it, then the Mayor pulls a book and the entire shelf slides vertically, revealing the vault, then he enters this code; 1000240055030007859 on a dial. after writing a copy of this code, Past ? sneaks through a window and pulls the same book Past Rogers pulled, yet again revealing the vault and enters the code (see above), opening the vault, and steals one of the files and looks at the hand writing, it's the same writing as the writing on the love note! But the file revealed that Past Rogers is actually working for Morcucorp (a company that Past and Present Morcubus own). Once Past ? has told Shirley that the Mayor is the one that sent the secret love flowers, she says "This love note say that my eyes are deeper than OUTER SPACE!!! I'm gonna ask him out on a date!!!" then rushes to do so. After she runs out of the door Past ? says "But he's working for Morcu- Aw never mind." Then help help Gino find his stolen maps (the robber set GINO'S PIZZERIA on fire as a diversion so that nobody could see what he/she was doing). The suspect are; Past Derek, Past ?'s high-school and neighborhood bully, Past Shirley, the Aunt of Past Derek, and once again Patrick the Construction Worker. The first clue; Past ? asks all of them what they think happened, Patrick said that he could barely breathe during the fire even though he managed to successfully eat his pizza, claiming "What's the point of being able to breathe when you can eat?" Past Shirley said that she is EXTREMELY glad that she and Past Derek got out without getting singed. Past Derek refused to talk, But Past ? convinced him into talking (if Past ? is a girl then she will use the "cute look" on him, but if Past ? is a boy then he grab him by his shirt and hold him saying "Get SERIOUS, Kid, I'm not your little punching bag anymore, got me?!" Then Past Derek will reply "Oh, look who developed a backbone." Then Past ? will say "that's not all I developed, now start talking!!!") The second clue; Past ? decides to investigate the crime scene, then follows a set of FOOTPRINTS to the park forest and discovers that the robber has climbed across a fallen tree, then Past ? decides to investigate on the other side and discovers a piece of paper atop a pillar and uses his/her CROWBAR to knock it off. The paper turns out to be one of Gino's stolen maps. He/she later finds two more maps. Then Past ? searches the rooftop of the crime scene and finds a baseball stuffed down one of the chimneys of GINO'S PIZZERIA, even more surprising, it has "DEREK" written on it. when the case results are go, Past ? Says "The case is solved. The Robber is none other than Derek!!! Derek created that fire by stuffing his baseball in the chimney connected to the oven, stole all the maps, and gotten rid of the maps he didn't want, but instead kept the fourth and final map. The only thing I don't know is why? Why did you do steal those maps?" Past Derek then says "Well, Sherlock, I was HIRED by Morcucorp to steal those maps, but they only wanted the map that leads to the North Mountains. They didn't tell me why." Then Past ? and Past Buddy run into Walker at the train station, then Walker says "If you want to go to HQ, you're gonna have to catch the next train, take it east of here. I'll see you guys when you get there." Past ? and Past Buddy do so and proceed to enter HQ, once they do, a she-scientist shows them around and introduces them to other agents. Then Walker appears and tells them that they are officially Special Agents. Then a Woman named Evlen Grey and tells them that she's been robbed. After arriving at the crime scene, Past ? then follows a set of inked footprints to Times Square, then asked nearby people if they seen a "woman in a red and grey suit" (that's what the robber looked like") but nobody seen her. Later, Past ? finds out that the robber has abandoned the money, gems, and jewelery but gave everything else to Skip Rogers. Afterwards, Past ? and Past Buddy then go to the North Mountains to find out why Morcucorp is targeting a man whose initials are "P. W.", but wind up help a Northern girl named BeeBee reunite with her lost boyfriend (whose name is "Preston Wisisky"), resulting in a treacherous climb up the mountain. Once Past ? reaches the summit he/she meets and befriends a wolf cub and uses Wolfah's (a name given to him by Past ?.) sense of smell to find an ICE CAVE, and explores it, and finds a YETI sitting in a recliner and watching TV. The Yeti introduces himself (his name is Paul Wiwaka) and tells Past ? that he wasn't ALWAYS a Yeti. He was once a human scientist but experiment gone wrong Transformed him into a blue skinned, fanged, clawed, hairy, big monster, After this conversation Past ? befriends him and invites him to come to the LODGE. He does, but is arrested by Agent Marshell (an agent you meet before this event. She thinks that Paul is a criminal, even though she is completely wrong due to the fact that she is impatient and naive. In fact, when Past ? talks to her, he/she says "What I THINK I'm doing is taking my time and thinking it through, unlike you."). After this, Past ? tries to prove that Paul is innocent.  The first clue; Past ? finds TWO sets of Yeti footprints, one being Paul's (the WATER BLUE footprints) and the others being a different Yeti's (the DARK BLUE footprints), with one set of footprints leading to the JACUZZI (being the different Yeti's footprints) and the other leading to a heap of snow (being Paul's footprints). The second clue; The SECURITY CAMERA FOOTAGE showed a MySim dressed up as a Yeti smashing the Jacuzzi with a baseball bat with a picture of the Yeti's Logo (the Yetis are a baseball team) on it. The third clue: the same baseball bat from the footage was found hidden under the heap of snow that was mentioned earlier. The fourth clue; The same Yeti costume from the footage was found in the Ranger's cabin. When the case results are go, this is what everyone said "Alright everyone, Paul is innocent, but PRESTON isn't!!" said Past ?. "What!? Impossible! Wait, if it was Preston that did all this damage, then HOW did he do it?" Said Marshell. "The CAMERA FOOTAGE showed a MySim in a Yeti costume BREAKING everything using a baseball bat." Said Past ?. "You have no PROOF of that!" said Preston. "Here is the BASEBALL BAT from the footage, along with this YETI COSTUME!" said Past ?. "Just because you found a baseball bat and a costume doesn't mean that I'M the culprit!!" said Preston. "Why don't you put the YETI COSTUME on and see how it fits?" "Fine." "AHA!!! It's a perfect fit!!!" (the "Why don't you put the YETI COSTUME on and see how it fits?" and "AHA!!! It's a perfect fit!!!" were both said by Past ?, "Fine." was said by Preston, who coincidentally reunited with BeeBee right after Paul was falsely arrested.) When Paul got his freedom, all criminal data on him was deleted on HQ MAIN COMPUTER. Afterwards, Paul sent a text message to Past ? which said this when decoded. "? I'm sorry I can't remember anything else about my past or anything else about the CROWN OF NIGHTMARES, But my collage roommate, Dr. F., might remember. From your friend PAULDIYETI" After hearing this Past ? rushes to meet the deranged scientist in the Industrial District. After helping Gabby find out who stole his car engine Past ? finds Dr. F. (when they meet for the first time he says "Ah, just put the squirrels over there." either his squirrel delivery boy/girl resembles Past ?, or he's just plain crazy.). After helping DJ Candy and the Morcucorp girls (the Morcucorp girls were disguised as normal people at the time.) with their problems Past/Present ? discovers a crystal that can create a copy of the Crown of Nightmares. Then, Present ? decides to go to this woman's dinner party (the only reason why is because her mansion has the Fortunite he was supposed to retrieve, Fortunite is the energy source of the Crown of Nightmares) but has to help Present Poppy retrieve her stolen mail. I manage to get two out three of the letters, but to get the third and final letter you must find the crane keys (which are in a vault in Patrick the Construction Worker's trailer), then you got power the crane up (to do so you must hack into the crane's generator), and finally you must repair the control panel. (I have not done that yet, so I wish you luck that you can get further in the game than I have so far.)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

St. Augustine

Sorry for not writing any new posts in the past few days (or was a week, I don't know). You see, I was on vacation at St. Augustine, the oldest city in the USA (Actually, it was only two and a half days long so it really doesn't count as a vacation, come to think of it, all my family's vacations are three to five days long) and here's some stuff about St. Augustine. (see below)

St. Augustine is home to the Ripley's Believe it or Not! Museum (some of the stuff there is gunk, including the Three Wheeled Clown Car, Mummified Cat and Wax Made Hands, the many COOL things in the museum include The Vortex, Dragon Ship, two headed, headless, or six legged farm animals. The farm animals is my opinion people, so don't be so surprised if you find out it's not as cool as I make it sound.

St. Augustine also has THREE BEACHES!!! But don't go to St. Augustine Beach, the water there is FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really though, but it's still cold.

NOTE: My mom convinced me into writing this post, when I wanted to write about funny things in movies and video games.

***note from MOM :) we have some good pics from vacation, but not downloaded at the moment, will upload later***

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is a Spider-Man video game that I want (I've seen a friend of mine play it, and it's awesome.)

One (of many) reason I want it is because there's sky-diving, beating up baddies, webs flying up and down, and stealth.

There are four different kinds of Spider-Man in the game. (see below)
*Classic Spider-Man, the original Spider-Man, gameplay involves using webs as a a cross between long-range and close combat. His alternate costume is Scarlet Spidey.
*Spider-Man 2099, the Spider-Man of the future, he is the only Spider-Man with no Spider-sense. Gameplay involves using speed, agility and sometimes gliding to pursue and defeat villains, his alternate costume is Cosmic Spider-Man (same as Ultimate Spider-Man).
*Spider-Man Noir, the 1930's Spider-Man, gameplay involves using stealth to overwhelm enemies. His alternate costume is Negative Zone.
*Ultimate Spider-Man, the only Spider-Man in the video game that is merged with Symbiote (a slime-like material from Outer Space), gameplay involves morphing Ultimate Spider-Man's Symbiote into spikes and tentacles. His alternate costume is Cosmic Spider-Man (same as Spider-Man 2099)

The funny thing about this game is that at the ending, a fifth Spider-Man (called Spider-Ham because he is 50% Spider and 50% Pig) shows up wanting to save the multiverse but when he arrived, the other four Spider-Men have already done that (possibly because none of fragment thingamajigs landed in his world, while they all DID land in the worlds of the other Spider-Men, and Madame Web said that to save the multiverse they must collect them all).

Every level in the game is a boss level. (one of the bosses, the Vulture, you fight twice, once in the Noir universe and once in the 2099 Universe)

You have do this on every level; Find the Baddie, beat up his henchmen, save some people, fight the Baddie, beat up the baddie, get the fragment(s) of the "Tablet of Order and Chaos", bingo.

Here's some characters in the game. (see below)
Classic Spider-Man, Madame Web, Juggernaut, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Mysterio (but as the final boss, you fight him using all four Spider-Men), Sand-Man, Tinkerer, Silver Sable
Spider-Man Noir, Boomerang, Calyspo, Goblin, HammerHead, Vulture, Enforcers
Spider-Man 2099, Hobgoblin, Doctor Octopus (No not one that has four mechanical arms, the one that's from the future), Scorpion, Silvermane, Vulture, Alchemax (company in the future, not a actual character), Public eye
Ultimate Spider-Man, Carnage, Electro, Deadpool, S. H. I. E. L. D. (secret agency, not actual character), Spider-Slayers