LEGO The Lord of the Rings has the exact same plot of the movies (In fact the exact same dialogue, plus extra dialogue). Here is the plot of both the game and the movies. NOTE: Everything regarding the plot (except for the title design) is from Lord of the Rings Wiki. One Wiki to Rule them All!
"In the Second Age of Middle-earth, the One Ring is forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in order to conquer the lands of Middle-earth. A Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed to counter Sauron and during a battle on the foot of Mount Doom, Prince Isildur, son of King Elendil, who is slain by Sauron in the battle, picks up his father's broken sword and slashes at Sauron's hand, separating him from the Ring and vanquishing his army. However, due to Sauron's "life force" being bound to the Ring, the Dark Lord is not completely defeated unless the Ring itself is destroyed, but Isildur, corrupted by the Ring's power, refuses to do so. Sometime later, Isildur is ambushed and killed by Orcs and the Ring is lost in a river. 2500 years later, the Ring is claimed by the creature Gollum causing him to obsess over it and kept it for 500 years bringing him unnatural long life. Finally, the Ring abandons Gollum and is found by Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit from the Shire.
Sixty years later, following his 111th birthday party, Bilbo leaves the Ring to his nephew, Frodo Baggins. After some time, the wizard Gandalf the Grey begins to suspect Bilbo's magic ring may be The One Ring, lost for over 3000 years, and rides to Minas Tirith to search for answers. After poring over old documents for months, he finds the account of the finding of The One Ring. Gandalf learns that The Ring has several lines of Black Speech written on it that are only visible if The Ring is heated with fire. He returns to Bag End only to learn that the ring Frodo has been holding onto is, in fact, Sauron's One Ring. Gandalf tells Frodo to leave the Shire immediately with the Ring. Gandalf catches Samwise Gamgee eavesdropping by a window and decides to send him along with Frodo. Gandalf rides to Isengard to meet with Saruman the White who reveals to Gandalf that the Nazgûl, or Ringwraiths, have left Minas Morgul to capture the Ring and kill whoever carries it. Gandalf attempts to flee to warn Frodo, but Saruman, having already been corrupted to Sauron's cause, imprisons Gandalf atop his tower Orthanc. Gandalf is then forced to watch as Saruman, following Sauron's orders, commands the Orcs of Isengard to construct weapons of war and produce a new breed of Orc fighters called the Uruk-Hai.
While traveling to Bree, Frodo and Sam are soon joined by fellow hobbits, Merry and Pippin. After encountering a Ringwraith on the road, they manage to reach Bree only to discover that Gandalf hasn't arrived. Instead, Frodo meets a man called "Strider", a friend of Gandalf who agrees to lead them to Rivendell. They continue traveling and spend the night on the hill of Weathertop, where they are attacked by the Nazgûl. Strider fights off the Ringwraiths, but Frodo is grievously wounded with a morgul blade which will cause him to turn into a wraith if not attended to with the proper care. While chased by the Nazgûl, Frodo is taken by the Elf Arwen to the Elven haven of Rivendell, and healed by her father, Elrond (the leader of the Elves at the battle of Mount Doom 3,000 years before). Arwen also uses her magic to cut off the pursuing Ringwraiths at the Ford of Bruinen, summoning a surge of water that sweeps the Ringwraiths away.
In Rivendell, Frodo finds Gandalf, who explains why he didn't meet them at Bree and that he had escaped Orthanc and Saruman's clutches with the help of an eagle. Later, Elrond calls a council to decide what should be done with the Ring. Elrond warns against keeping the Ring in Rivendell for long, knowing that the Elven realm could come under attack from both Mordor and Isengard. The Ring can only be destroyed by throwing it into the fires of Mount Doom, where it was forged. Frodo volunteers to take the Ring to Mount Doom and is accompanied by his hobbit friends and Gandalf, as well as Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor. Also traveling with them are the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli and Boromir, the son of the Steward of Gondor. Together they comprise the Fellowship of the Ring.
The Fellowship sets out and tries to pass over the Misty Mountains by the mountain pass of Caradhras, but they are stopped by Saruman's wizardry. At Gimli's insistence, they decide to seek safety and travel under the mountain through The Mines of Moria. Frodo agrees, but while traveling through the mines, they are attacked by Goblins and a Cave Troll, and encounter a Balrog, an ancient demon of fire and shadow, at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. Gandalf confronts the Balrog on the bridge, allowing the others to escape the subterranean realm, but the monster drags him into the abyss below. The group flees to the Elven realm of Lothlórien, where they are sheltered by its rulers, Galadriel and her husband Celeborn. That night, Frodo meets Galadriel, who tells him that it is his destiny to handle the Ring and ultimately destroy it. Before they leave, Galadriel gives Frodo the Phial of Galadriel, and the other members also receive gifts from them. Taking the straight path to Mordor, they travel on the River Anduin towards Parth Galen.
After landing at Parth Galen, Boromir tries to take the Ring from Frodo, believing that it is the only way to save his realm. Frodo manages to escape by putting the Ring on his finger and vanishing. Aragorn encounters Frodo, but unlike Boromir, Aragorn chooses not to take the Ring. Knowing that the Ring's temptation will be too strong for the Fellowship, Frodo decides to leave them and go to Mordor alone. Meanwhile, the rest of the Fellowship are attacked by Uruk-hai, who Saruman had ordered to hunt down the Fellowship and take back the Ring. Merry and Pippin, realizing that Frodo is leaving, distract the orcs allowing Frodo to escape. Boromir rushes to the aid of the two hobbits, but is mortally wounded by the Uruk-hai commander Lurtz. Before Lurtz can finish Boromir, Aragorn arrives and decapitates Lurtz after a sword fight. Boromir regrets having attempted to steal the Ring, and is forgiven by Aragorn before he dies. Merry and Pippin are captured, prompting Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to begin their pursuit of the Orcs with the intent of rescuing the hobbits, leaving Frodo to his quest. Frodo returns to the banks of the river and begins rowing across when Sam appears and swims out after Frodo, insisting to keep his promise to Gandalf to look after Frodo. Frodo accepts Sam's presence as together they continue their journey through the hills of Emyn Muil."
The Two Towers
In the Mines of Moria, the wizard Gandalf the Grey battles the Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-dum in an attempt to allow the Fellowship of the Ring to escape. Gandalf is pulled down to the chasm by the demon; the Fellowship believes he is dead, but he continues to fight it while falling down into a lake in the depths of the Earth. Days later, the Hobbit Frodo Baggins continues his journey with his loyal friend, Sam, through the hills of Emyn Muil. One night, the creature Gollum wishing to retrieve “his precious” attacks them. The Hobbits capture him, but Frodo understands the burden of the ring and takes pity on the creature. Realizing they are in need of a guide, Frodo persuades Gollum to lead them to the Black Gate of Mordor.
In Rohan, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are in pursuit of the Uruk-hai, who are on their journey back to Isengard with hobbits Merry and Pippin as captives. Meanwhile, King Théoden, the king of Rohan, is being put in a trance by his steward, Gríma Wormtongue, who is secretly in the service of Saruman. Orcs and Wild Men of Dunland, incited by Saruman, are freely roaming the land, burning villages, massacring the people and destroying crops. (In an attack on one of the villages, a mother sends her two children on horseback to Edoras to warn the King.) Recently, the King's only son Théodred fell victim to them, left mortally wounded in an ambush. Théoden's nephew Éomer interrogates Gríma, labeling him a spy: however, Gríma banishes Éomer, "on pain of death", for undermining his authority, and Éomer sets forth to gather the remaining loyal men of the Rohirrim and leave Rohan. That night, Éomer's army ambush and kill all of the Uruk-hai, thus allowing the two hobbits to flee into the forests of Fangorn. There, Merry and Pippin meet Treebeard, the oldest of the Ents of Middle-Earth.
Frodo, Sam and Gollum traverse the Dead Marshes, evading a Nazgûl riding on a Fell beast. When they finally reach the Black Gate, they find it shut and heavily guarded by Orcs. However, as they watch, an Easterling contingent arrives and the gate opens for them to enter. Sensing a chance, Frodo and Sam make ready to move. However, Gollum, who confirms their fears of capture and insists that any attempt to get in via the Black Gate will only end with the One Ring returning to Sauron, holds them back. He then reveals that there is another way into Mordor, hidden and unguarded. Sam is immediately suspicious, but Frodo gives him the benefit of the doubt, pointing out that he has remained loyal thus far.
Éomer later encounters Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli in Rohan, who tells the group that there were no survivors of the battle the previous night, indicating that the hobbits were accidentally slain. Upon arriving at the battle site, Aragorn picks up the tracks of the hobbits and the trio follows them into Fangorn. There they are approached and temporarily subdued by a wizard masked with shining white light. Initially fearing it is Saruman, the group are amazed when he reveals himself to be Gandalf reborn (after defeating the Balrog in a battle that cost him his life), now known as Gandalf the White. The quartet proceed to Edoras, where they exorcise Saruman's hold on Théoden and banish Wormtongue. The now awakened Théoden has to come to terms with both his son's death and the threat of Saruman. Rather than risk open war and further harm to his people (especially after seeing the two exhausted children who finally arrived from the village), Théoden decides to flee to Helm's Deep, a large stronghold in the Mountains. Gandalf realizes that Helm's Deep's defences will not survive the Uruk-Hai onslaught that is surely to come. He leaves to find Éomer, promising to return within five days with the 2,000 banished riders. As they lead the people of Edoras to Helm's Deep, Aragorn and Éowyn, Éomer's sister, form a close relationship. Aragorn tells Éowyn that Arwen, whom he loves, is leaving Middle-Earth to be with her people in the Undying Lands. In the meantime, Wormtongue has fled to Orthanc and informs Saruman of a weakness in the outer wall of Helm's Deep, which Saruman and his army of 10,000 Uruk-hai plans to exploit. Saruman dispatches his army to Helm's Deep, ordering them to spare no one.
The 10,000 strong Uruk-hai besiege Helm's Deep.
Having led the Hobbits south from the Black Gate to the land of Ithilien, Gollum is in turmoil, torn between his loyalty to Frodo and his all-consuming need for the ring. The three travellers then play witness to an ambush of Southerns by Rangers of Ithilien, who take Frodo and Sam prisoner. Meanwhile, on the journey to Helm's Deep, the Rohirrim are attacked by Saruman's Warg riders. During the battle, Aragorn is thrown off a cliff into a fast-flowing river below: Theoden, Legolas, Gimli and the others believe him dead and journey on to Helm's Deep. Elrond comes to his daughter Arwen and implores her to leave on the ships departing Middle-Earth, escaping the troubles of these lands. When she refuses, Elrond, in a devastating speech, uses his powers of foresight and slowly tells her future if she chooses to remain in Middle-Earth with Aragorn. As he is mortal, even if he succeeds in defeating Sauron and becomes King of Gondor, Aragorn will die eventually and Arwen will be left to fade away with her grief when he is gone. Once again, Elrond pleads with her and she yields to him. As she leaves Rivendell, the words of Galadriel, concerning the plight of Men to defy Sauron, come to Elrond in that moment. She questions whether the Elves should wash their hands of Middle-Earth and points out that the Ring has manoeuvred itself into the company of Men, which it can easily corrupt. Galadriel asks if they should abandon Men to their fate, even if it condemns Middle-Earth to fall under Sauron's rule for all time.
Surely enough, Frodo and Sam have been taken to Henneth Annûn, a stronghold for the Men of Ithilien, and brought before Faramir, the younger brother of Boromir. Gollum had eluded capture and, in order to save him from death at the hands of Faramir's hunters, Frodo accepts that he and Gollum are bound to each other. Faramir investigates further and learns of the One Ring that Frodo carries. Seeking to prove his worth to his father, Denethor, he decides the Ring shall go to Gondor. In Rohan, Aragorn washes up on the riverbank and is nudged awake by the horse Brego, which formerly belonged to Theodred, and which Aragorn had set free before leaving Edoras. On the verge of collapse, he wills his horse to take him to Helm's Deep, passing Saruman's army of Uruk-hai on the way. His arrival at Helm's Deep is met with relief, but is short lived as the news of the strength of the approaching horde casts doubt upon the likely survival of the defenders. As night falls, a battalion of Elves led by Haldir arrives from Lórien, bearing word of alliance and aid from Elrond. In Fangorn forest, Merry, Pippin, Treebeard and other Ents hold a council to decide on the role of the Ents in the war with Saruman.
The battle of Helm's Deep begins with a flurry of arrows from the defending archers, cutting down dozens of Uruk-hai. Scaling ladders are thrown up against the Deeping Wall and the Uruks swarm up to engage the defenders. At first the onslaught is stayed by the valor of the Rohirrim and of Aragorn and his companions. Suddenly, two crude explosive devices that Saruman created, allowing the Uruk-hai entry into the outer defences, blow up the gutter in the Deeping Wall. Despite Aragorn and Gimli's best efforts, the Uruk-hai manages to penetrate the main gate and soon the stronghold is overrun. In the midst of battle, Haldir is slain and the few remaining Elves fall back. In the Hornburg however, the Uruk-hai have scaled the walls and have breached the gate, forcing the defenders to retreat into the Keep. In Fangorn, Treebeard and the other Ents have decided to not have any involvement in the war, deciding rather to "weather such things as [they] have always done". Despite this, Pippin manages to cleverly take Treebeard to the section of Fangorn Saruman has recently decimated near Isengard. Treebeard is filled with rage at Saruman's betrayal and commands all the other Ents to seek vengeance. The Ents gather and embark upon 'the Last March of the Ents', straight into Isengard itself.
Meanwhile, as Théoden despairs in the besieged Keep, Aragorn refuses to give in and, remembering Gandalf's words before he left Edoras, he takes Théoden, Legolas and the remaining Rohirrim on one last gallant ride to attack the Uruk-hai army in a desperate bid to allow the Rohirrim's women and children to escape into the mountains. The riders storm out of the Keep and cut their way through to the fortress gate. As the riders emerge into the mass of Uruks, the first rays of dawn fall down into the valley and upon the eastern hill, Gandalf appears, accompanied by Éomer and his men. They rush down into the body of the stunned Uruks and rout them: the terrified Uruk-Hai flee into Fangorn, where the Ents and their Huorn allies swiftly exact retribution. Meanwhile, at Isengard the Ents are taking control. They destroy the remaining Uruk-Hai population and release the dam placed upon the river Isen, which gushes forth into the plains around Orthanc, drowning the surviving Orc defenders, quenching the fires of its industry and flooding Isengard, and stranding Saruman in his tower.
Away in the East, Faramir has had the hobbits bound and taken to Osgiliath, a ruined city on the banks of the river Anduin between Mordor and Gondor. There a small battle ensues with the Orcs of Mordor, who are led by a Ringwraith again, on a Fell beast. With the help of Sam and Faramir, Frodo narrowly escapes the Ringwraith's efforts to capture him and the Ring (it nearly cost Sam his life because the Ring tried to make Frodo kill him). In an inspired monologue as he watches the Ringwraith fly off, (and as victory scenes from the two battles are seen) Sam reflects on the state he and Frodo are in, on how their story may yet come to have a happy ending, even when so much bad had happened. Frodo is doubtful of this, (especially because he nearly killed Sam) but Sam insists that they must still hold on to what they are fighting for each other and the fulfillment of their quest. Approaching them from the throes of battle, Faramir overhears them and realises these unassuming hobbits have a high doom before them which he can no longer hope to interrupt. He sets them free and helps them on their way. Gandalf and the others now know that things have been set in motion that cannot be undone or avoided. Sauron will surely seek retribution for the defeat of his puppet Saruman and strike at Men again, only stronger and with greater fury: as Gandalf puts it "The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin". He remarks that hope now rests with Frodo and Sam, who have resumed their journey to Mordor with Gollum. Feeling betrayed by Frodo when he delivered him into the hands of Faramir's men, Gollum's darker self re-emerges and he decides to reclaim the ring by secretly leading Frodo and Sam to a creature he refers to only as her, which Gollum's lighter self reluctantly agrees to and leads the hobbits on through the woods as Mordor is seen in the distance."

Then, they confront the traitorous Wizard, Saruman, standing atop of his tower. Saruman says to King Théoden that they could be allies once more, but Théoden explains that they shall both have peace when Rohan avenges all the people killed at Helm's Deep by executing Saruman on a gibbet. Also, Saruman says to Gandalf about Frodo going to his immediate doom and that Aragorn will never be crowned King of Gondor. He reveals to the others the Palantír which he kept in secret, and knows all the ways of the enemy. Then, they are informed by Saruman that Sauron is readying his forces for a final strike.
Gandalf makes an offer with Saruman to come down from his tower and be spared, however, Saruman sends a fireball down from his staff at Gandalf. Luckily, the Wizard survives and he shatters Saruman's staff, thus casting him out of the order of Wizards. Before Saruman can give them more information, Gríma Wormtongue arrives and Théoden says that Gríma is freed of Saruman and that he can come down and be a Man of Rohan as he once was. Gríma happily bows to Théoden; however, Saruman insults the Men of Rohan, and says that Gríma will never be free.
In his anger, Wormtongue attacks Saruman, fatally stabbing him in the back. Legolas quickly fires an arrow into Gríma, killing him, but he is too late to save Saruman, who plummets from Orthanc's top, to be impaled on one of his machines, dropping from his sleeve the Palantír. Then, the machine begins to turn, sliding the body of Saruman down into the watery depths.
Treebeard tells the others that trees shall return to fill up Isengard as they once did. Pippin then sights the Palantír in the water and jumps down from Aragorn's horse to get it. Upon finding the Palantír beneath the water, Pippin is told to give it to Gandalf, and he does, but Gandalf is unsure in the Hobbit, and knows that he may be up to something.
The group then ride for Edoras, where they will celebrate their victory at Helm's Deep. That night, there is a post-battle party in the Golden hall at Edoras, where King Théoden is given the cup of Kings by his niece, Éowyn, and addresses the people of Rohan, including Aragorn, of the men who died defending the gates of Helm’s Deep and saving their country.
Then, there is a huge feast where Éomer volunteers Gimli and Legolas into a drinking competition, and eventually, Legolas wins after Gimli gets over drunk and faints. Éowyn gives Aragorn the cup of Kings and then Théoden joins her, who says that he is happy for her, Aragorn is an honorable man. Théoden then says that it was not him who led their people to victory, but soon gets off the subject with Éowyn.
Elsewhere in the hall, Pippin and Merry are drunk and dancing a Hobbit’s jig and singing about the Green Dragon Inn on one of the tables in front of a large crowd of Rohan Men, who are enjoying drunkenly. However, Pippin pauses for a moment to find Gandalf watching him but is quickly pulled back into the dance by Merry and the two Hobbits enjoy themselves with a quick drink of their ale. Then, in secret, Aragorn has a talk with Gandalf of the progress with Frodo and Sam on the Quest to destroy the One Ring of power. Gandalf says that he has received no news of Frodo and Aragorn says that every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor, and Gandalf says that his heart confirms that Frodo is alive.
Elsewhere, near the Mountain of Shadow, Frodo and Sam are asleep whilst Gollum secretly sneaks away and confronts himself at a pool. Gollum/Sméagol argue with themselves on if they will kill the Hobbits and take the Ring, but Gollum says that they shall lead Frodo and Sam up some steps where “She” will kill them. Then, from the Hobbit’s remains, Gollum/Sméagol shall take the Ring. However, Sam suddenly attacks Gollum; having heard his plans, but is dragged away from him by Frodo, who does not believe that Gollum is a villain.
Frodo leads Gollum away, who looks back at Sam, giving an evil grin. At Edoras, everyone is sleeping. Aragorn goes into the main hall where Éowyn lies sleeping. As Aragorn approaches to pull the quilt upon to her, Éowyn awakens briefly to tell Aragorn of a “Great Wave” flooding a great city, destruction and darkness. Aragorn listens and then watches as she falls back asleep.
Walking outside, Aragorn goes to Legolas, who is viewing the land, knowing that the Eye of Sauron is moving to his next target. Inside the hall, Pippin, fascinated by the seeing stone, takes it from Gandalf, who is sleeping, and, ignoring Merry’s urgings to leave it alone, he moves to touch the Palantír. Whilst gazing into the crystal ball, Pippin is suddenly spied by the Eye of Sauron, and through a psychic link, the dark lord attempts to interrogate the Hobbit. Barely able to resist the Eye's power, Pippin is nearly broken into submission, but Gandalf and Aragorn wrest it from his tortured fingers. Pippin is left deeply shaken, but lives. Gandalf quickly rushes to him and panicky asks Pippin to reveal everything he said about Frodo and the Ring and Pippin says that he saw a White Tree, in a courtyard of stone, and it was dead, with the city around it in flames.
The next morning, Gandalf, Aragorn, Théoden, Legolas, Gimli and the Hobbits Merry and Pippin meet in the great hall to decide on what is to be done on Pippin seeing Sauron’s plans. Gandalf is now certain that Sauron will come after Pippin, thinking he has the Ring. Pippin's vision, however, has revealed that Sauron's plan is to attack Minas Tirith, the capital city of Gondor. Having been defeated at Helm's Deep, Sauron has realized that Men might pose a threat to him.
Sauron is not willing to let the force of Middle Earth unite against him. Gandalf says that Sauron will raze the White City to the ground before there is a King to return to the throne of Men. He says to Théoden that if the beacons of Gondor are lit, then Rohan must be ready for war, but Théoden says that, because Gondor never went to aid them during the Battle of Hornburg, Rohan owes Gondor nothing. When Aragorn says that he shall go, Gandalf instead enigmatically urges Aragorn to use the "Black Ships" to come to the aid of Minas Tirith, and he then says to them all that things have been set in motion that cannot be undone — he rides for Minas Tirith, and he won’t be going alone because Pippin will be traveling with him.
Leaving the Golden Hall, Gandalf says that of all inquisitive Hobbits, Pippin is the worst. Merry is furious with Pippin, saying that it is always him who causes trouble and this time, the enemy believes Pippin has the Ring, and because they will be looking for him, they must get Pippin out of Rohan. When Pippin asks if Merry is coming with him, Merry says nothing. In the stables, Pippin asks Gandalf on how far Minas Tirith, and Gandalf says that it would be three days 'as the Nazgûl flies'. Gandalf then makes a speedy depart for Gondor with Pippin on Shadowfax, leaving a heartbroken Merry behind.
Merry then goes on to view Gandalf and Pippin going away from Edoras, and Merry says to Aragorn that he has always been there for Pippin, and now he’s gone, just like Frodo and Sam. Aragorn then says to Merry that there is one thing he learnt from Hobbits – they are very stout folk.

Later, Elrond sadly watches as Narsil is reforged by Elvish smiths.

He leaves with Pippin following him, furious with the Steward’s actions and walks across the citadel, telling Pippin about the line of Kings failing in Gondor, and about the White Tree withering because of this. The rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men. He also says that Sauron’s forces will use a large block of fumes to cover Gondor’s sky and allow the Orcs to pass onto the fields and conquer the city. Meanwhile, Frodo, Sam and Gollum continue their journey through woods near Gondor. Sam notices that the sky is growing darker every day, foreshadowing the foreboding events about to occur.
Then, Frodo notices a statue of a Gondorian King, but his head has been toppled, and another head, carved by Orcs, has been put in its place, mocking it. Then, a bright light from the Sun reveals the King’s original head, with a crown of flowers around its top. Sam then says to Frodo "Look, the King’s got a crown again!" But then the light goes behind the trees, and the original head of the statue goes dark once more. Frodo and Sam, with Gollum leading them, continue their journey.
The Lighting of the Beacons
That night, at Minas Tirith, Pippin prepares his Gondorian armour
whilst Gandalf overlooks Mordor in the distance from a balcony. Gandalf
explains that the time has come; Sauron is ready for war, his armies
gathered at full strength- not just, but Haradrim soldiers,
great beasts and monsters from the south – and even mercenaries (men)
from the sea. One way or another this will be the end of Gondor as they
know it. If the city of Osgiliath is
taken, then there will be no defence between Minas Tirith and the
armies of Mordor. Pippin optimistically asserts that they have the White
Wizard on their side, but Gandalf is less hopeful.
He also explains about Sauron sending his most deadly and greatest servant, the one who will lead the forces of Mordor into war, the one they say no living man can kill – the Witch-king of Angmar – who was also the Nazgûl who struck Frodo down on Weathertop. He is the leader of the Ringwraiths and the most powerful of the nine, and Minas Morgul is his lair.
Shelob's Lair
Meanwhile, as Gandalf says this, Frodo, Sam and Gollum move toward
the evil city of Minas Morgul on their journey. Gollum then leads them
to some stairs spanning up a huge cliff face in the Mountains of Shadow.
Suddenly, the power of Minas Morgul draws the Ring close to it and
Frodo goes with it. Gollum and Sam quickly move to pull him away, but as
they do, a pillar of green fire rises from Minas Morgul and shoots up
into the night sky.
At Minas Tirith, Gandalf, Pippin and the Gondorians witness the signal in the distance. At Minas Morgul, Frodo collapses and the city goes silent. Suddenly, the Witch-king swoops out of Minas Morgul on his fell beast, and lets out a terrible screech. This stuns Frodo, causing him to feel the wraith's blade. Then, the Witch-king’s fell beast makes the call, and the huge army of Sauron marches out of Minas Morgul toward Gondor, led by the Witch-king, who swoops out in front of them.
Frodo, Sam and Gollum begin to climb toward the high pass of Cirith Ungol. As they do this, Sam suddenly grabs Gollum, warning him not to do anything to Frodo, and if he does, Gollum will be gone. Sam then continues to climb with Frodo, and Gollum looks up at him with an evil grin. At Minas Tirith, Gandalf realizes that the Mordor army is on the move. He quickly has Pippin climb up to the signal beacon located high above Minas Tirith.
The Battle of Osgiliath
At the ruined city of Osgiliath, the Rangers here, led by the young captain of Gondor, Faramir,
prepare their weaponry. Faramir is told that the Orcs are lying low
across the river, the garrison may have moved out, and that they have
sent scouts to Cair Andros - if the Orcs attack from the north, they
will have some warning. Secretly, on the river, the Orcs are making
their move on large rafts. Amongst them, one hideously deformed Orc, Gothmog,
is in immediate command of them. Gothmog orders his Orc troops to be
quiet whilst they approach Osgiliath, in a surprise attack on the
As the Orcs draw closer towards the city, one soldier notices them approaching, and Gothmog quickly orders his demise. Then, an Orc archer kills the soldier and Faramir is called to the scene, where he instantly realizes that they are about to be attacked and Orcs are not attacking from the north. Then, Faramir quickly leads a heroic defence of the city, having all his men guard each side of the river bank, but the Orcs draw closer and Gothmog orders his troops to draw their swords and prepare to invade the city.
Faramir waits for the attack, his sword drawn, as the Orc rafts hit the city and the Orcs inside them run into Osgiliath. Faramir then nods to his men that the time is right, and he charges into the invading Orcs, his Rangers following. The Orcs start attacking the rangers, and, as more rafts hit the bank, a huge battle ensues. Soon, the Orcs lower a ramp on the bridge and swarm into the city.
Meanwhile, Pippin climbs up to the Minas Tirith signal beacon high above the city and quietly sets it alight and sneaks away, as the Gondorian soldiers there stand up in confusion as the beacon light in a large ball of flames. On one of the city walls, Gandalf goes to view the other beacons lighting up along the White Mountains. However, Denethor looks unhappily at the events through the throne room window. Gandalf knows that hope has come to Gondor.
The signal passes along Gondor's chain of beacons in the White Mountains, swiftly reaching Edoras. There, Aragorn quickly runs to tell Théoden that "Gondor calls for aid!" After a brief moment of thought, Théoden orders the Rohirrim to muster at Dunharrow – they will ride for Gondor and to war. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli prepare themselves and Aragorn notices that Éowyn will be riding with them. She says that the men have found Aragorn as their captain; they will follow him to battle and even to death. He has given them hope.
Gimli says to Legolas that horsemen are not as good in battle than an army of dwarves - fully armed and filthy. Legolas, however, says that his king’s men have no need to ride to war, for he fears war is already marching upon their own lands. Merry, meanwhile, pledges himself to Théoden, and the King of Rohan proudly accepts, saying that Merry shall be – Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan. Now in the King’s service, Merry happily puts on Rohan armour and prepares to ride with the Rohirrim to Dunharrow.
As the Rohhirim gather, Théoden takes one last look up at the banner of Rohan, knowing that this will be the last battle he shall ride to. Gathering up, Éomer states to the men of Rohan that this is the hour that they ride for Lord and land. It is then that, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Théoden, Éowyn, Éomer and even Merry leave Edoras for Dunharrow.
At Osgiliath, the Orcs overrun the city and slaughter everything in their path. As his Rangers die around him, Faramir barely escapes an attack by Orc soldiers and realizes that all hope of holding the city is lost; the Orcs have won.
He calls for a retreat - they ride for Minas Tirith. The men quickly flee onto their horses and race out of the city. During the attack, Faramir’s lieutenant, Madril, was attacked by an Orc and left wounded. He is quickly finished off by Gothmog, who cruelly kills him with a spear. Gothmog then states to his troops that the Age of Men is over and that the time of the Orc has come.

Faramir then comes into sight of Pippin, and his reaction to seeing Pippin reveals that he has recently seen two other Hobbits: Frodo and Sam. Gandalf is alarmed to hear that they are heading toward Cirith Ungol, but is worried and asks Faramir to tell him all he knows. However, Denethor hears this too, and confronts his younger son in the throne room. He is ashamed of Faramir's loss of Osgiliath and the fact that he gave the One Ring to a Hobbit and let him carry it to Mordor. Denethor says that the Ring should have been brought back to the Citadel, to be kept safe, hidden and secret in the dark vaults, not to be used until the time was right.
He then says that Boromir would have brought him the Ring but Faramir says that Boromir would not have done this; he would have taken the Ring and fallen. As Denethor rises from his throne in anger, Faramir says that Boromir would have kept the Ring for his own, and when he returned, Denethor would never again know him as a son. Denethor then leaps up in anger, saying that Boromir was loyal to him, and not a "Wizard's Pupil" like Faramir. Denethor then collapses in grief and it is revealed that he misses Boromir so much, that he no longer sees Faramir as a trustworthy son.
In his grief, he asks Faramir to leave his sight, which he sadly does. At the steps leading up to the Pass of Cirith Ungol, Frodo, Sam and Gollum continue to climb. On climbing, Gollum is the first to climb upon a ledge and urges Frodo to continue climbing, but as he does so, he notices the Ring dangling from the chain on his neck. Gollum reaches for it and Sam draws his sword, but Gollum then seemingly goes to grab Frodo’s hand and pull him up. Then, as Sam climbs up after them, Gollum starts to pour false accusations into Frodo’s ear about Sam, saying that soon, Sam will ask him for the Ring and take it for his own.
At Osgiliath, as the forces of Mordor prepare their army, the Witch-king orders Gothmog to send forth all legions and not halt the attack until Minas Tirith is taken, commanding the Orcs to slay everyone in the city. Gothmog asks of Gandalf's fate, and the Witch-king says that he shall break him. At Minas Tirith, the soldiers are worried and they ask Gandalf if Rohan will come to aid them. Gandalf says that courage is their best defense. In the Great hall, Pippin now wears Faramir’s armour he wore as a child, and is told by Faramir himself that he never used to do his studying when he was younger; instead he used to waste time slaying Dragons.
He also says that Denethor made the armour for him, who has always seen Boromir as the stronger child. However, Pippin reminds him that Faramir has strength, but of a different kind, and one day, Denethor shall see that in him too and actually love Faramir as a son. Afterwards, Pippin enters Lord Denethor's service and puts his service and loyalty to him. However, Pippin is soon after shocked when he hears that Denethor wishes for Faramir to retake Osgiliath. On hearing this, Faramir realizes that his own father wants him to die for Boromir, who died in his place. Obeying this order, Faramir says that he shall do this command in Boromir's stead, but when he returns, he wants Denethor to think better of him. Denethor, however, says that would depend upon the manner of his return. Faramir sadly leaves to go and retake Osgiliath, knowing that this act will claim his own life.
Meanwhile, at the pass of Cirith Ungol, the Hobbits sleep on a ledge suspended hundreds of feet above Minas Morgul. In secret, Gollum gets up to his tricks and drops the Hobbit's Elven bread down the cliff. Awakening, Sam discovers what has happened and instantly blames Gollum. Once Frodo awakens, Gollum goes to try and stir the events. He continues to play with Frodo's mind until it is too late, and when Sam suddenly asks Frodo if he can carry the Ring, only wanting to help, Frodo’s mind goes against him.
He suddenly pushes Sam away in anger and Gollum grins, his plan is working. After trying to convince Frodo that it is Gollum's fault, Sam is horrified when Frodo falls for the ploy and tells Sam to leave. Sam does so, saddened and reluctant. Frodo continues to climb with Gollum behind him. Meanwhile, Faramir's cavalry marches proudly out of Minas Tirith as Gandalf tries to convince Faramir that his father is quite mad, but still loves him. Faramir sadly explains that he would do anything to defend Minas Tirith but knows that he will die at his father's will.
Faramir's detachment charges out onto the open plains, heading towards Osgiliath as the thousand of Orcs which have overtaken the city watch, preparing their black bows. In Minas Tirith, Denethor has Pippin sing as his son and all his men ride to a doomed fate, not realizing that it is actually happening.
"Home is behind, the world ahead and there are many paths to tread, through shadow to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight..."
On approaching Osgiliath, Faramir holds his sword out to the enemy, but the Orcs there draw their bows and prepare to fire.
In Minas Tirith, as Denethor eats, Pippin continues to sing -
"... Mist and shadow cloud and shade, all shall fade, all shall fade."
At Osgilliath, the Orcs are commanded by Gothmog to fire upon the advancing Horsemen. Letting their bows lose, the Orcs rein arrows upon Faramir's cavalry, massacring them. A despondent Gandalf sits in silent lament, while Pippin weeps at Denethor's indifference to the fact he has sent his son to his death.

Also, the men here, along with the horses, are terrified of a road that leads to the mountains behind Dunharrow. Legolas and Gimli are looking around, viewing the road, when Éomer explains that the men grow nervous at the shadow of the mountain. He tells them that anyone who journeyed that road never returned and that the mountain is evil. Aragorn then goes to view the road and is especially frightened when he sees what appears to be a spectral figure staring back at him. Gimli distracts him and when Aragorn looks back, the figure is gone.
That night, Éowyn prepares Merry for battle, which has a blunt blade. Éowyn says to the Hobbit that he won't kill many Orcs with a blunt blade and then goes to take him go the smithy, but, as Merry goes, Éowyn is told by Éomer that Merry is not ready for war. Éowyn asks why Merry cannot fight for those he loves but Éomer then goes to tell her that Merry will fall to the fear of battle and that he will flee when he comes face-to-face with the enemy.
Meanwhile, in his tent, Aragorn has a nightmare about Arwen dying at Sauron's power and the Evenstar shattering. Upon awakening in sudden anger, Aragorn is called to Théoden’s tent, where he meets Elrond, who says of Arwen dying - as Sauron's power grows, her lifespan degenerates. Elrond explains to Aragorn about Minas Tirith being lost, because to the river, a fleet of Corsair ships sail from the south. They are outnumbered, as Elrond explains, and he tells Aragorn that they need more men if they are to win this fight.
Aragorn says that there are none, but Elrond then explains that there are those men that dwells in the mountain. However, Aragorn only states that those in the mountain are murderers and traitors. They don't believe in anything, and answer to no one. However, Elrond then says that they will answer to the King of Gondor; Elrond then presents Aragorn with Andúril, the reforged shards of Narsil.
With this blade, Aragorn can summon up an army that even Sauron cannot withstand. Elrond states to Aragorn that it is time to put aside the Ranger, and that it is time to become who he was born to be. Aragorn finally accepts his destiny to be the King of Men. Upon preparing to leave Dunharrow, Aragorn is confronted by Éowyn, who begs Aragorn not to go and that the men need him. She confirms her love to Aragorn, but, Aragorn, instead, tells Éowyn that he does not love her but still wishes her happiness.
Accompanied by Legolas and Gimli, he takes the Path of the Dead in the mountains behind Dunharrow. The soldiers of Rohan watch as Aragorn departs and one of the soldiers, Gamling, says that he leaves because there is no hope. However, Théoden tells his men that Aragorn leaves because he must, and even though their numbers are too few against the Armies of Mordor, they shall still meet them in battle. Later that evening, Éowyn sadly views the mountains ahead, and she is accompanied by Théoden, who says that he has left the request for Éowyn to lead the people of Rohan if anything happens to him. Éowyn asks if he wants to give her another order, but Théoden says that he doesn’t, but he says that he would have his niece smiling in the future times.
The Paths of the Dead
Meanwhile, the three companions, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli move
slowly down the silent road that leads to the Paths of the dead. Legolas
tells them of the curse Isildur laid upon them for not arriving at the
battle of the Last Alliance - never to rest until they has fulfilled
their pledge to allegiance to Gondor. After a brief ride through the
passes, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli approach the way into the dead
mountain where a burst of evil sends the companion’s horses away.
Aragorn, however, says that he does not fear death and he enters the Dead Mountain, Legolas behind him and Gimli soon to follow. At Dunharrow, the Rohirrim climb up onto their horses and prepare to ride for Minas Tirith. King Théoden and Éomer prepare the army and Théoden says that it is a long road ahead and both man and beast must reach the end with the strength to fight.
Meanwhile, Merry is preparing a horse to ride to Gondor but is told by Théoden that his journey here has come to an end, and that it is a three day ride to Minas Tirith, and none of his riders can have the Hobbit as a burden. Despite Merry’s urging to ride to war, Théoden dismisses him. Then, as all hope of riding with the Rohirrim seems lost, Merry is suddenly lifted up by an unknown rider and scooped away by him. But this is no man rider – but Eowyn – who says that Merry will ride with her. Merry gladly accepts this.
Éomer and Théoden muster the men and the Rohan army of six thousand horsemen all gallop out of Dunharrow and away to war with Mordor. Meanwhile, the even-more massive army of Mordor marches upon Minas Tirith, trolls and Orcs alike. Inside the Dead Mountain, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli move through the tunnels and caverns of the dead, where Legolas tells them of him seeing many images of dead men and of horses.
Avoiding the ghostly mists that lurk the paths, Aragorn and his companions find themselves walking upon the skulls and bones of many dead souls.

He asks them for their say, but Gimli warns him that he is wasting his time, they have no honor in life and none now in death. Aragorn says that he is Isildur's heir and that he will fulfill their oath. However, the ghosts refuse and slowly disappear. Aragorn calls out to them one last time but they go, and Gimli furiously says that they are all traitors. Then, the walls begin to shake, and moments later, the entire cave collapses, and thousands of skulls avalanche upon them.
Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are driven from the caves by the cascade of skulls and barely escape. As they exit the caves, they arrive at the Anduin River and see an armada of Black Ships, piloted by the Corsair army. As they watch the ships leave a burning village, Aragorn falls to his knees, believing all hope for Gondor to be lost and that they have failed. Then, the King of the Dead suddenly appears from inside the mountain and agrees to join Aragorn in battle.

The Siege of Minas Tirith
At Gondor, the siege of Minas Tirith begins when the massive Orc army
of two hundred thousand troops launches its assault using troll-driven
siege towers and huge catapults. The Orcs have Faramir's lifeless form
dragged back-first into Minas Tirith by his horse. The guards of the
city quickly take hold of Faramir's body and take it up to the Citadel.
Down on the fields, the Orcs prepare their catapults, while Gothmog
observes the army by riding through their lines on a Warg. Inside Minas
Tirith, upon bringing Faramir to his father, Denethor is heart-broken to
find his only surviving son seemingly killed, while a soldier tells him
that they were outnumbered: none survived.
Outside the city, Gothmog, who is in full-command of the Mordor army, says that the city is rank with fear, and sarcastically tells his Orcs to ease their pain. He commands his underlings to "release the prisoners" which they do, firing the the heads of dead soldiers from catapults at the walls, causing panic and terror upon the city.
The Pyre of Denethor
Up in the Citadel, Denethor says that his sons are spent, and his
line has ended. Pippin quickly goes to check Faramir's wound - he is
still alive. Ignoring Pippin’s shouts that his son is still alive,
Denethor says that the Stewardship of the city has ended. Denethor then
goes to view the huge army of Mordor outside the city, as they commence
the assault upon his walls. Down on the field, Gothmog evilly laughs as
troops unleash numerous boulders upon Minas Tirith, shattering many of
its building whilst the Gondorian soldiers just stand and watch.
Now in a panic, Denethor talks to himself of all hope being lost, and that Rohan has deserted him and King Théoden having betrayed him. As more boulders hit his walls, Denethor cowardly tells the city to flee from the mounting onslaught. Denethor is then suddenly rendered unconscious by Gandalf, who hits him several times with his staff. Gandalf then takes command, and tells the city to prepare for battle.
The Wizard then quickly gets up onto his horse and rides out into the city, calling for the retreating soldiers to return to their posts. Then, the army of Gondor quickly stands upon the city walls as Gandalf goes to view the Orc army. He calls for the Gondorians to send these foul creatures to the abyss.
At Gandalf’s orders, the Gondorians respond by launching their own catapult attack, using the smashed walls of towers demolished by the Orcs. The rocks fall down amongst the Orcs, who look at them in fear, but Gothmog orders them to stay where they are. The Orcs counterattack with their catapults and many troops from both sides are crushed to death. Gandalf keeps watch on the Orc attacks outside as more Gondorian catapults are let lose upon the Orcs.
Then, one catapult, fired by the Gondorians, sends a boulder hurling towards Gothmog, but he quickly steps away from it. He spits at the boulder in disgust. Suddenly, high above the siege, the Witch-king and the Nazgûl attack the city upon their fell beasts, killing many men and inflicting heavy damage. Their screeches send the Gondorians into maddened panic and Pippin is one of many caught in the fear. As the Nazgûl swoop overhead, Gandalf orders the men not to give into fear, and has then stand to their posts nevertheless the danger.
The Nazgûl's fell beasts smash many buildings, and as Pippin runs through the city, he is knocked down by many terrified people trying to run away from the chaos. During these events, the trolls start bringing forth the huge siege towers, filled with many war-hungry Orcs. Gandalf orders the men on the walls to aim for the trolls and not the towers themselves, and the soldiers do, shooting their arrows down upon the trolls. Soon, one siege tower hits the wall and Orcs pile out, attacking the Gondorians, and after that, many more towers land, unleashing more Orcs.
Meanwhile more Orcs, determined to break through the gates of the city, charge a battering ram at the gates. As this happens, Pippin runs onto the walls, where Gandalf is busy fighting off the invading Orcs. Gandalf shouts for Pippin to return to the citadel, but Pippin says that he was called out to fight. However, as more Orcs attack, two intent on killing Pippin, Gandalf intervenes to save the Hobbit's life, abruptly telling him that the battlefield is no place for a Hobbit. As more siege towers hit the walls and Orcs are let loose, one of them charges towards Gandalf, but Pippin quickly stabs the creature with his sword, killing it instantly.
Gandalf turns to Pippin, saying that the Hobbit is Guard of the Citadel indeed, but then quickly hurries him back up the stairs to the top of the city where he can be safe. At the gates, the Orcs continue to slam their battering ram at the gates, but the Gondorian archers from up above fire arrows down upon the Orcs, killing many and slowing down the ram.
The gate is completely impregnable. Gothmog angrily tells his troops to return to the battering ram and smash the gate down, but he is told by one of his Orc captains that the gate is too strong and nothing can breach it. Seeing his troops die one by one, Gothmog orders the Orcs to use advance on the gates with Grond, a giant, wolf-shaped battering ram. Soon after, Grond, driven by huge beasts, advances upon the gates.
Gandalf looks out over the walls to see Grond approaching, and as it draws closer, the Orcs all chant its name as it prepares to breach the gates. It is chaos, and elsewhere, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas confront the Black Ships and the Corsairs of Umbar. Aragorn warns the Corsairs not to enter Gondor, but the Corsair captain says that he cannot deny that passage.
Aragorn has Legolas fire a warning shot past one of the Corsair’s ears, but as he does so, Gimli deliberately knocks his bow, causing the arrow to hit the Corsair in the chest, killing him. Gimli says that the Corsairs should surrender immediately, but when the pirates refuse, Aragorn has the Army of the Dead obliterate them.

There, he finds the Elven bread which Gollum cast down into the ravine. Now angered by the way Gollum fooled Frodo into thinking that he wants to steal the Ring, Sam realizes that he must go and find Frodo. In the caves, Frodo is in a panic. After running nervously through the caves, Frodo suddenly encounters the great spider - Shelob. Frodo luckily manages to keep Shelob at bay with the vial of Elendil given to him by Galadriel. He flees from her down the tunnels.
Suddenly, Frodo is caught in one of her webs, and realizes that since Gollum won't save him, it is a deliberate trap. In his anger, Frodo cuts himself lose of the web as Shelob draws closer to him and he flees the cave. Frodo is then attacked by Gollum, but he angrily pushes Gollum away and prepares to strangle him, when Gollum says that the Ring is the reason why he tried to kill him. Frodo says that he must destroy it for both their sakes.
Walking away from Gollum, Frodo doesn't realize Gollum about to attack him, and as he does, Frodo pushes Gollum down a cliff. Now alone, Frodo continues to move through the passes. At one point Frodo faints and gives up saying sorry to Sam, but Galadriel appears and encourages him to go on and continue the quest, Frodo gets up and reassumes the road. Near Gondor, the Rohirrim have made camp where Éomer arrives to tell Théoden of the Mordor army attacking the walls of Minas Tirith, the first level already in flames. Amongst the soldiers, Merry says that he could be a knight of Rohan, capable of great deeds, but he is not - he's just a Hobbit. He tells Éowyn that he just wants to save his friends, Frodo, Sam and Pippin.
Now ready, the Rohirrim sound the war horns and prepare to ride for Minas Tirith. Éowyn and Merry place their Rohan helmets on. To battle. It is night, and at Minas Tirith, the Orcs are assaulting the walls with molten boulders, their entire army marching up towards the gates.

Down at the gates, Grond prepares to break them open as fireballs fall upon the city's buildings. Gandalf, in front of the frightened men of Gondor, says that no matter what comes through those gates, they must stand their ground.
It is then, that Grond breaks the gates apart and trolls suddenly enter the city first, and then followed by hundreds of Orcs and the Easterlings of Rhun, who charge into the city, viciously attacking Gandalf and the soldiers. The forces of Mordor pour into the city, burning the first level, as Gandalf continues to lead the Gondor forces against them.

Sam quickly rushes to Frodo's side, only to find him still and lifeless, believing his master to be dead. Sam cries, thinking that the Quest is now over, and he holds Frodo’s lifeless body in his arms. While Sam mourns over Frodo's body, a small company of Orcs approach.
Hiding nearby, Sam overhears one of them, Gorbag; say that Frodo is still alive. Sam overhears the Orcs saying that Shelob only stings her victims to knock them out, as she prefers live prey, and Sam realizes that he has made a big mistake. The Orcs take Frodo to the tower of Cirith Ungol, imprisoning him in the highest room. Sam must rescue him. At Minas Tirith, in the hallows of the city, Pippin quietly approaches the Tomb of the Stewards where he realizes what is about to happen. He tries to intervene, but Denethor throws him out and bars the tomb's doors.
He quickly runs through the burning city to tell Gandalf, but there is too much carnage as injured Gondorians pour past him. Fiery boulders are hitting the city, and the people run for their lives, screaming, as thousands of Orcs run through it. Gandalf orders the soldiers to pull back to the second level and get as many women and children to safety as possible, while out on the field, the Orc forces receive orders from Gothmog to enter the city and kill all in their path. Inside the first level, Gandalf fights long and hard to keep the Orcs, wargs and trolls back but the people of the city are being slaughtered as the Soldiers fight off many more invading enemies. Gandalf exhorts them to fight to the last man.
Amidst the fighting, Pippin finds Gandalf and tells him of Denethor's madness. Gandalf quickly pulls Pippin up onto his horse and quickly races towards the tomb to stop the obscene funeral pyre.

Pippin lunges at the Witch-king, but is frozen in fear by his fell beast. Gandalf is half beaten and is about to be killed by the Witch-king, who says that the Wizard has failed and the world of men will fall, when war horns sound outside the city, drawing their attention. Furious, the Witch King lets out a shriek as he directs his fell beast away from the fallen Gandalf to confront this new threat.

The six thousand Rohirrim all charge down the field towards their opponents. Then, the Orcs, at Gothmog's command, fire their black arrows upon the horsemen, but it is no use. The Orcs all panic as the Rohirrim draw closer and Gothmog realizes that it is too late. The Rohirrim crash into the Orcs and charge through their lines. The Orcs cannot fight back, as they are all crushed beneath the trampling hooves. In the Tomb of the Stewards, Denethor prepares to burn himself and Faramir alive; however, it is quickly stopped as Gandalf speeds into the room, urging him to stop this madness.
However, Denethor refuses, asserting that "against the power that has risen in the East, there is no victory", and he sets the pyre alight. As Gandalf fights off Denethor's guards, Pippin jumps onto the pyre and manages to push Faramir out of the flames where he regains consciousness. Denethor realizes at that moment that his son is still alive, but by then he is too late to stop himself from burning. He runs out from the tomb, consumed in flames, and Gandalf says that "So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion". Denethor runs across the Citadel and falls from the prow of the city, plummeting down Minas Tirith to his death.

Undeterred, King Théoden rally’s up his army again and charges them gloriously at the Oliphaunts. It is a huge charge, but many Rohirrim are quickly trampled by the Oliphaunts. Above them, thousands of Haradrim archers fire down on the horses. Rohirrim charge in huge groups at the Mûmakil, but many are killed in the chaos. As the Rohirrim fire arrows up into the Oliphaunt’s stomach’s, including Gamling, Éomer rides out in front of one of the Mûmakil and manages to kill its captain with a spear.
This causes the Oliphaunt which the captain was driving to go un-controlled and crash into another Oliphaunt and both fall to the ground on top of each other. Meanwhile, Éowyn and Merry ride through the battle. Éowyn and Merry manage to bring one of the massive elephant-like beasts down by cutting at its legs. The Rohhirim, meanwhile, focus on one of the large Oliphaunts, distressing the beast by shooting at its head, and King Théoden orders several of his archers to take it down quickly.
Éowyn quickly goes to aid them and sends one spear into the creature's legs, bringing it down, but both Merry and Éowyn are thrown from their horse as the dead Mûmakil collapses. The two are left stranded amidst the huge battle. As King Théoden fights off numerous Orcs, Éowyn joins the fray, cutting down several Orcs with her blade. She also engages Gothmog in combat and ends up punching his face and wounding him. Elsewhere, Merry emerges from beneath one of the fallen Mûmakil and fends himself off from several Orcs and Haradrim warriors.
High up in Minas Tirith, the Orcs have overrun all the levels of the city up to half of the fourth level, where Gandalf, Pippin and the remaining Gondorian army prepare for another attack as fearsome Mountain Trolls hammer at the gates, the Witch King goading them on as the Ringwraith flies past. Gandalf says to Pippin that this is not yet the end, that death is just one path that they must all one day take. He tells Pippin of the old grey curtain of this world sliding back and a bright sunlight and white shores filling the land. Pippin happily listens and decides that dying is not so bad, and Gandalf agrees. The troll continues to hammer at the gate and all that Gandalf and Pippin can do is wait for the assault.
Down of the field, more Rohirrim are being torn apart by the huge Mûmakil beasts. Théoden goes to rally up his men, but is suddenly thrown violently from his horse and severely injured by the Witch-king of Angmar's fell beast. Théoden's slain horse falls upon the King, pinning him down to the ground.
Éowyn suddenly comes face-to-face with the Witch-king, who is poised to finish off Théoden. He turns his attention to her and she stands her ground, slaying his fell beast by beheading the creature, but then confronts the wraith himself. The Witch-king attacks her with a huge, deadly Morgul flail, and, after a brief duel, Éowyn's shield takes a direct hit from the Witch-king's flail, shattering it immediately, throwing Éowyn to the ground, injured.

Meanwhile, Aragorn charges through the Orcs, killing many. Also, Gimli and Legolas continue their competition in battle and engage the Orcs, cutting them down one by one. During the battle, Gothmog gets up, furious for revenge and limps towards Eowyn with an axe for support. Eowyn sees him and tries to crawl away and also tries to lift the sword of the unconscious Merry but it slips from her grip. Gothmog picks up a mace and prepares to finish off Eowyn. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were running through the crowd and see Gothmog. Aragorn didn't know that he is saving some one's life and chops the right arm of Gothmog off while Gimli slices his stomach with his axe and Aragorn stabs him in the back which kills him. As the remaining Orcs are slaughtered by the ghosts, Legolas tries to show Gimli that he can gain a higher score with the killing and he skillfully manages to kill one of the crazed Mûmakil and its riders. As the beast collapses, Gimli says that it still counts as one. Aragorn and his companions then take out the remaining Orcs as the Dead Army begins to swarm Minas Tirith, destroying all the enemies inside. The battle ends when the remnants of the Orc and Haradrim army is completely annihilated by the Ghost army, those not overwhelmed fleeing.
Wounded, Éowyn crawls over to her dying uncle and Théoden quietly tells her how proud he is of her effort. He says that there is nothing else she can do, for his body is broken, but Éowyn says that she will save him. After several moments, Théoden dies in Éowyn's arms. The battlefield falls silent. As the sun rises over the aftermath, the survivors of the battle survey the carnage. Gathering outside Minas Tirith, the Army of the Dead confronts Aragorn and his companions, urging for him to release them. After several seconds of thought, Aragorn releases the Dead Army from their bondage, despite urgings from Gimli to keep them.
Gandalf bows to Aragorn and Aragorn smiles with their success. Pippin goes to search for Merry as Éomer discovers Éowyn, screaming in horror, believing her to be dead. Aragorn and Éomer take her to Minas Tirith. In Minas Tirith, the injured are tended to in the Houses of Healing. Amongst them, Éowyn is treated to her Morgul wound by Aragorn, with Éomer nervously watching.
Later, Éowyn awakens in a bed, where she sights Faramir, who is too healing. Out on the battle field, amongst the thousands of dead bodies, Pippin searches the battlefield frantically for Merry. Luckily, Pippin finds his cousin near the corpse of a dead Oliphaunt. Merry is wounded, but says that he knew Pippin would find him and asks if Pippin is going to leave him.
However, Pippin says that he won’t leave him; instead, he will look after him. The two are joyfully reunited. In Minas Tirith, the forces of Gondor and the remnants of the Rohirrim gather in the throne room to decide how to finish the war against Mordor. Meanwhile, at the tower of Cirith Ungol, Frodo is still in the hands of the Orcs, who are searching through his belongings.
Two of the Orcs, an Uruk called Shagrat and the Orc Gorbag, begin fighting over his Mithril vest. After a brief brawl, Shagrat forces Gorbag down through a trapdoor, and into a large group of Uruk-hai.
Shagrat commands them to kill Gorbag, and a huge fight ensues between the Orcs and the Uruks. In the fight, most of the Orcs in the tower and Uruks are killed in the huge orc-to-orc fight. Outside the tower, Sam arrives and finds the whole place filled with dead bodies of the slain Orcs and Uruk-hai. Sam then goes to search for Frodo, and kills the surviving Orcs in a moment of intense courage. However, unknown to Sam, Shagrat makes his escape with the Mithril vest. At the top of the tower, Frodo tries to pull himself free from his bonds, but is suddenly confronted by Gorbag, who says that he is going to kill Frodo. However, before he does, Sam arrives, who kills Gorbag in anger.
Letting the dead Orc fall to the floor, Sam then greets Frodo, who apologizes for sending Sam away, but is distressed because he has lost the Ring. Sam than says that he hasn't, and produces it from his pocket, saying that he'd taken it from Frodo's unconscious body so the Orcs wouldn't find it. Sam begins to hand it back to Frodo and momentarily pauses, having been mesmerized by the Ring's power. Frodo brings him back from the Ring's spell and explains that the power of the Ring would destroy Sam’s soul. Sam returns it to Frodo, saying that they must leave and finish the Quest.
It is time to enter Mordor. Inside Minas Tirith, Aragorn and his allies decide that the time has come. If Frodo is to succeed with his Quest, he must cross the Plains of Gorgoth, however, Ten thousand Orcs are on those plains. Gandalf believes that he has sent Frodo to his death, but Aragorn says that there is still hope for him - they could draw Sauron's armies out of Mordor through the Black Gate of Morannon. This will empty the plains of Gorgoroth of Sauron's army and allow Sam and Frodo the chance to reach Mount Doom. Gandalf says that Sauron will suspect a trap; he will not take the bait. Aragorn, however, says that he will.
At night, Aragorn uses the Palantír to tempt Sauron, saying that long has the Dark Lord haunted him, and long has he eluded him, but no more. Aragorn then goes to reveal to Sauron the blade of Elendil - Anduril. However, Sauron shows Aragorn a vision of Arwen dead and Aragorn, in his grief, drops the seeing stone, smashing the Evenstar. However, luckily, the ploy works and the fields of Mordor empty.
Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Éomer and the Hobbits Merry and Pippin, make their way towards Mordor, accompanied by the remaining armies of Gondor and Rohan, and they head to confront Sauron's army. In Minas Tirith, Éowyn believes that all hope is lost, but she is comforted by Faramir, who says that it is just the damp of the first spring rain. He tells her that no darkness will endure. The two happily embrace.
Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo, disguised as Orcs, make their way into the land of shadow: Mordor. Finally, the hobbits have made it into Mordor. Moving into the land, they are found by a large detachment of Orcs, and are forced by their captain to march with the Orcs as towards the Black Gates. Then, an inspection of the Mordor army is called and a large, bulgy Orc with no nose inspects the Orcs. Realizing that they might be found, Sam starts a fight with Frodo and, in the ensuing chaos, they escape onto the Plains of Gorgoth as the Orcs continue their march to the Black Gates.
They continue their grueling trek to Mount Doom. Losing their Orc armour, the hobbits climb up the ashen slopes, the Eye of Sauron looming behind them. They go to rest behind a rock where Sam notices a light in the ashen skies. He goes to remind Frodo, but the Hobbit falls asleep beside him. Meanwhile, Aragorn's army marches to Morannon.
Once at the Black Gates, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Éomer, Merry and Pippin all ride forward in front of their army and up to the Black Gates. There, a corrupted and Dark Numeron known as the Mouth of Sauron rides to them and says that his master bids them welcome. Gandalf tells him that the time of Sauron has come. It angers him but he smiles again and throws Frodo's mithril vest in front of them and says how Frodo suffered before dying. It lets a tear out of Gandalf's eye and the Dark Numenor smiles but Aragorn rides towards him. He says that it takes more than a broken Elvish blade to be a king. Aragorn suddenly draws Anduril and beheads him to everyone's disgust. Gimli says that it concludes negotiations. Aragorn says that he will never believe that Frodo is dead. In Mordor, Frodo and Sam walk across the hot, ashen slopes near Mount Doom. Eventually, as they draw closer to their goal, the Eye of Sauron continues to search the plains, until he is within sight of the two Hobbits. Sam quickly ducks down; avoiding Sauron's gaze, but Frodo is caught and collapses the power of the One Ring beating on his chest.
In Mordor, the Eye of Sauron turns away from the Hobbits and towards the Black Gates. Frodo and Sam continue their journey to Mount Doom. At Morannon, the gates re-open and the final battle between Gondor's army and Mordor begins. The gates open all the way and the massive Orc army of ten thousand troops marches out, the Eye of Sauron watching in the background.

The Battle at the Black Gate and The Path up Orodruin
On climbing up the slopes of the Mountain of Fire, Frodo collapses
and Sam comforts him, reminding him of The Shire and the strawberries
that will be growing there in the spring and the birds that nest in the
trees. Frodo, however, says that he can't taste food or see the light -
he is naked in the dark, no light or comfort between him and darkness.
Sam, however, says that they shall be rid of it - once and for all!
Then, with a final burst of strength, Sam lifts Frodo upon his back and moves him painfully up to Mount Doom. At the Morannon, as the Eye of Sauron glares at Aragorn, taunting him, the future King of men walks slowly towards him, as if in a trance. He then turns slowly around to face a worried Gandalf, and says that this is for Frodo and then charges at the Mordor army. The two Hobbits follow and soon the whole army of men charges into the Orcs, fighting them viciously.

High above, the Winged Nazgûl descend upon the battle. At Mount Doom, while Sam struggles with Gollum, Frodo slips away and runs inside the chamber to the Cracks of Doom. Sam throws Gollum down the mountainside and slices his torso with his sword. He then quickly follows Frodo. At the Black Gates, Gandalf watches as the Nazgûl prepare to attack, but then sights the small Moth from when he was imprisoned on Orthanc, and knows it shall bring hope.
Then, the Nazgûl are suddenly engaged in midair by the Eagles of the Misty Mountains. Pippin looks up and cheers as the Eagles attack the fell beasts. Inside the Cracks of Doom, Frodo is standing on the edge of the bridge overlooking a huge river of lava below. Sam pleads with him to drop the Ring in the fire and destroy it; however, Frodo pauses for several seconds at the power of the Ring taunts at his heart. Turning to face Sam, Frodo declares that the Ring is his and he pulls it of its chain, taking it towards his finger. Eventually, as Sam looks on, Frodo places it upon his finger, disappearing.
Sam screams in horror as the Eye of Sauron turns its attention towards Mount Doom and the Ringwraiths swoop back toward Mordor. At the gates, Aragorn encounters a huge heavily armoured troll and duels the beast, only to be wounded and sent falling to the ground, Legolas trying to reach him, but he is stopped by the battle raging on around them. In the Cracks of Doom, Gollum attacks again, knocking Sam unconscious with a rock, and sees that Frodo has disappeared. However, this won't stop him, as Gollum quickly determines Frodo's location and leaps upon him, trying to get the Ring back with all his strength.
Sam tries to reach Frodo, but is still barely conscious, and Gollum angrily bites off Frodo's finger, causing the Hobbit to both re-appear and drop to the ground in pain as Gollum takes the Ring. Gollum is joyful that the One Ring is his at last. As he leaps about joyfully at being reunited with his prized possession, Frodo, wanting to get the Ring back, fights Gollum, resulting in, after a brief, vicious brawl, Frodo and Gollum pushing each over the edge. Gollum falls into the lava with the Ring and sinks, but the Ring stays suspended.
Frodo is left hanging by one hand onto the cliff. Sam quickly rushes to him and convinces Frodo not to let go and pulls him up over the edge. The One Ring sinks into the boiling lava and melts, destroying it forever. Aragorn, who is about to be killed by the fierce troll, is saved when the army of Mordor is distracted by the destruction of the Ring.

He imagines the light of the world and all is goodness whilst Sam says that Rosie Cotton would have been his wife. Frodo comforts Sam, here at the end of all things...
But, sometime later, the unconscious Frodo and Sam are then rescued by three Eagles, Gandalf riding on Gwaihir. They swoop away and Frodo just awakens to see the sight of him being taken by the large eagle. Next morning, Frodo awakens in the Houses of Healing and is overjoyed to see Gandalf, whom he had thought dead. They laugh in delight.
One by one, the other six surviving members of the Fellowship enter the room to greet and thank Frodo, Sam last. That day, the streets of Minas Tirith are filled and high up outside the Throne Hall; Aragorn is coroneted as King of Gondor by Gandalf in front of his cheering subjects. Now come the days of the King! During the ceremony, Aragorn greets Lady Éowyn and Lord Faramir, King Éomer of Rohan and a delegation of Elves, greeting Legolas with them, including Elrond... and Arwen, who emerges from behind a banner.
Aragorn moves the banner slowly and kisses her passionately. The crowds all applause in happiness as Aragorn – King Elessar – is finally reunited with his one true love. Then, Aragorn and his people pay homage to Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. They all bow to the hobbits and the Third Age comes to an end. The four Hobbits return to the Shire, where they realize that no one else will ever understand what they have done.
That night, in the Green Dragon Inn, the hobbits, now all together after their great quests, all settle to a drink when Sam, however, goes to marry Rosie Cotton. It works and both Sam and Rosie have their marriage ceremony and all the hobbits applause.
Over time, Frodo begins to feel that he will be unable to continue his old life. Frodo continues Bilbo's memoir, calling his section of it The Lord of the Rings, but breaks off writing a few pages from the end of the Red Book. Sam arrives and Frodo says that it has been four years to the day when they were on Weathertop, and his wound has never fully healed.
Frodo gives the Red Book to Sam and bids a sad farewell to his three friends—Sam last. Then he boards the ship to sail into the Undying Lands west of the Sea, turning back to give his friends one last smile.
He boards the ship and sails away into the sun. Later, Sam returns home to Bagshot Row, his wife, and his first two children. He say’s to himself – "Well I'm back". The story finally comes to an end..."
Differences between the LEGO video game and Movies
- In the Movie, Isildur cut off all of Sauron's fingers. In the video game, Only the finger wearing the One Ring was cut off.
- In the Video Game, Gollum seems to be tap dancing when he gets the Ring at Mount Doom. In the Movie, he only jumps up and down until the cliff he stood on broke off.
- When Boromir says "They have a cave troll!!!" in the movie, it was before the Cave Troll came out of the gate. But when Boromir says that line in the video game, it was AFTER the Cave Troll came out.
- In the video game, when Sam is shown sleeping, he has a LEGO style teddy bear in his arms. In the movie, he doesn't have a teddy bear.
- To support this, In the Dead Marshes level, Gollum humorously stole that same teddy bear and gave it back to Sam. He presumably did this to earn Sam's trust. But we will never know as the only dialogue in this cutscene is when Gollum spots a Ringwraith riding a dragon, he yells "Hide! Hide!".
- In the video game, extra dialogue is given to local quest givers. Sometimes they want you to replay a level and find an item for them. Other times they want you to get a Mithril Design and forge an item in the blacksmith in Bree.
- In the video game, When Theoden dies Theoden's legs popped off and started twitching uncontrollably.
- In the video game, You can play as Boromir after getting shot by an arrow. The only difference is that you cannot equip your shield. But instead of shooting Boromir with another arrow, Lurtz shoots a broomstick. You can still play as Boromir, although now he cannot jump. Lurtz looks around for something else to shoot, and shoots a banana. You can still play as Boromir, only now he can't equip a shield, jump, and NOW he walks slowly, as his wounds are slowing him down.
- In the Black Rider video game level, You get to fight Saruman during a boss battle. It is worth noting that the spells and graphics are a lot better in the game than in the movie.
- To support this, In the Movie, Gandalf and Saruman only use one spell, a levitation spell. In the Video Game, Saruman shoots a purple laser out of his staff. Gandalf must shoot a blue laser of HIS staff. Both lasers collide, resulting in both wizards locking in a stalemate. Push the attack button repeatedly to overpower Saruman. Saruman will then summon fire balls. Gandalf can either summon a force field, dodge or knock the fireballs back at Saruman. After that Saruman will use the famous stomp attack all the other human sized bosses (plus the Cave Trolls and Shelob). Gandalf can use the levitation spell on Saruman. Then the pattern repeats.
- In the Video Game, When the Fellowship left Rivendell, Frodo humorously asks Gandalf in what direction Mordor is in. Gandalf replies with "left".