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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pikmin Time!!!!!!

This is one of my Pikmin Posts. And Nintendo is EXPANDING the series!!! With Pikmin 3!!!!!

Pikmin 3 is unique because this game reveals the name of the Pikmin homeworld: PNF-404. And the game has three new playable captains: Alph, Brittany, and Charlie. All three of them are from a planet called Koppai, which (at the time of the game) is in the middle of a food crisis. The planet's population grew so much that there is no more food on that planet, which is where Alph, Charlie, and Brittany come in. They find a planet brimming with fruit (the people of Koppai only eat fruit, because that is the only food you can bring with you) and feed it to Koppai. And in turn, with every fruit the new captains bring back, the longer they can stay on PNF-404. It's a win-win situation!!!!

This game introduces two new species of Pikmin: Rock Pikmin and Winged Pikmin. Or you can call them Grey Pikmin and Pink Pikmin if you want. The Winged Pikmin can fly and are useful for solving puzzles requiring an alteration to the current elevation. Like say you come across a thicket of Bamboo that can not by destroyed. Winged Pikmin can lift each shoot of Bamboo out of the way. And Rock Pikmin have a supreme density, allowing them to crash through any type of glass perfectly unscathed. Very helpful when you need to remove a shard of glass blocking the way.

Just like in Pikmin 1, There is a max day limit (the crew can only stay on PNF-404 for a few days before their life support fails), but they can increase their max day limit by a week or so by juicing fruit. You need fruit to save Koppai, but you also need fruit juice to keep the captains alive.

And the Pikmin are just as strange (possibly stranger) as they were when Captain Olimar first met them. In fact, later on in the game, the three rookie captains come face-to-face with Olimar himself.

But unlike Olimar and Louie, who have spaceships that look like old rickety versions of Earth rockets, Alph, Brittany, and Charlie get a futuristic, clearly alien spacecraft called the Drake. That slightly resembles the Death Star from Star Wars.

The Pikmin themselves are caught in the middle of this game, because the fruit on PNF-404 is so big (from the captains' perspective) that the captains cannot lift any fruit on the planet. But the Pikmin can. Because they can lift a hundred times their own weight. Which is somewhere around 2 ounces. In Pikmin 1, Olimar once wondered why the Pikmin do not attack him. A common fan theory is that the Pikmin see him as some kind of "Super Pikmin" if one considers that Olimar's helmet antenna slightly resembles a Pikmin stem. Pikmin are half plant. They have stems on the tops of their heads. With a flower on top of the stem. And the arms and legs are actually roots. And it is apparent that they might have a skeletal frame. Because the Pikmin's skeleton is visible when they get electrocuted. But that might be a joke. Anyway, Pikmin also come from Onions. Giant Onions that launch Pikmin Seeds high up in the air. From that point Olimar can uproot the Pikmin seedling(s). In the first two games, the Onions could store Pikmin, but only the Pikmin that match the Onions color (Red Pikmin go to Red Onions, Blue Pikmin go to Blue Onions, etc.). But in Pikmin three, the Onions can store ALL PIKMIN TYPES IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And curiously enough, the Onions in Pikmin 3 are more mechanical than normal Pikmin Onions. All Pikmin Onions fly several thousand feet/meters up in the air to avoid danger (they do this every night). Normal they use the flower on top like a propeller to..........propel themselves through the air. But this Onion has the legs (Pikmin Onions have legs) retract into the torso and blue exhaust flames come out of the places the legs were originally. But either way, Onions are Onions no matter how they fly. Sounds a little weird if you think about it.

Anyway, Pikmin 3 introduces a more calculating combat design. In the first two games, all you had to do is pick up a Pikmin and throw it onto the back of a hostile creature. Now, you have to decide WHERE to throw the Pikmin. Some enemies are covered in armor, and although Rock Pikmin have no problem breaking the armor, what happens when you do NOT have any Rock Pikmin with you. So you have to throw your Pikmin at the eyes. The Pikmin will latch on and keep hitting the target until either the beast shakes them off, the beast dies, or if you sound a retreat.


Pikmin many
These are Pikmin (two Reds, one Blue, two Yellows,
one Rock and one Winged).

This is a Purple Pikmin.

Normal whitepikmin
This is a

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mario & Luigi Time!!!

This post is about the upcoming Mario & Luigi: Dream Team!!!! The newest Mario Game!!!!!!!!!! For the 3DS!!!!!!

This game is a "Year of Luigi" game, meaning Luigi is super important in this game. Here is the plot that I know of.
Princess Peach, Mario, Star-low (from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story), and Luigi go to Pi'low  Island for a vacation. But when they get inside Pi'low Castle, Luigi sleeps on a magic pillow, opening a portal to his Dream World. And shortly after the portal opens, BOOM!!!!! Peach gets pulled in by a weird bat creature called Antasma. Then Mario jumps inside the Dream World after Peach. While in there, Mario meets Dream World Luigi. Exactly like normal Luigi, only he exists in Luigi's dreams. And by messing around with Luigi in the real world, it will alter the Dream World. Like for example, Star-Low can pull on Luigi's mustache, thus turning Dream World Luigi into a tree shaped slingshot. And when Luigi sneezes in the real world, a hurricane happens in the Dream World (It only affects enemies and blocks blocking the way). And Dream World Luigi can turn into hundreds of clones of Luigi called Luiginoids. Later down the road, Bowser shows up and learns that Antasma kidnapped Peach. Unfortunately, Bowser becomes enraged because apparently, only BOWSER is allowed to kidnap Princess Peach and NO ONE ELSE is allowed to do so. So he jumps down the portal and Mario and Dream World Luigi fight (and beat) him in a 2000-on-one fair fight. The Luiginoids filling 1999 of the good guys with Mario being the 2000th good guy.

This game is EPIC!!!! In fact it might be the most EPIC Mario game EVER!!!!!


File:Bros. Attack Artwork1 - Mario & Luigi Dream Team.png
This is Mario and a few hundred Luiginoids (the Luiginoids are curled up in a ball).

File:MLDT - June Screenshot14.png
Mario entering Luigi's Dream World.

For more info, please visit either Nintendo.com and/or  the Mario Wiki.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Icarus Time!!!

This is one of my Kid Icarus Posts!!! About the angel everyone knows and loves!!!! I was reading my other posts and thanks to a wiki I read on I know more details now.

Here is a picture.


This is Pit with a Bow.

In every game in this series, the angel named Pit had a simple bow as a weapon. But in Uprising, he gets to choose one of 102 different weapons, each one unique in design, appearance, and function. Like the Wolf Claws give Pit super speed and a lethal combo, while the Dynamo Cannon focuses on long range attacks and slow Pit down. Because all Cannons are super heavy.

Here is the story of Kid Icarus.
Palutena the goddess of Light defeated and banished Medusa to the Underworld. A few years later, BOOM!!!! She comes back and takes over the world!!! Then Pit shows up, fights his way through a horde of monsters (Armed only with a bow and a set of arrows), becomes super-charged with the Three Sacred Treasures and beats up Medusa. Then Palutena and Pit live happily ever after.

Short, right? This is a classic game, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Here is the story for Kid Icarus Uprising.
25 years after the first game, Medusa is revived by a dude called Hades. Medusa then "celebrates" her return by attacking a small village. So Pit flies down there (all angels can fly. However, they can only stay airborne for five minutes. Stay flying after that, Pit's wings will burn and he will became affected by gravity and start falling to his doom), And with the First Blade (the very first weapon given to you) fight the horde and defeat Twin-Bellows. Medusa, with her Boss Minion defeated, surrenders the town and any surviving soldiers will retreat.

After that, Pit is rewarded with a new weapon. Depending of the intensity selected at the beginning of the level, the awesomeness of the weapon will vary. You might get a really powerful Dynamo Cannon or even better, an Aurum Palm!!! But the higher the intensity, the more valuable the weapon.

But after that, Palutena sends Pit to help out in a large-scale war between humans and Dark Lord Gaol. On the way there, Pit remarks on how "the 'Dark Lord' thing has been totally done to death". After breaking in the castle of Gaol, Pit meets the only human that actually managed to get inside the castle: A bounty hunter/mercenary named Magnus. Magnus then reveals he didn't expect to see an angel and remarks on how he hopes "that he didn't kick the bucket". But anyway, Pit and Magnus team up to fight the rest of the way to Gaol's throne room. So an epic boss battle happens!!! After Magnus and Pit beat up Gaol, Gaol's helmet falls off, revealing that Gaol was a girl. But it is odd how Magnus didn't reveal the true gender even though he was childhood friends with Gaol.

After that, Pit must return to Sky-World (where he and Palutena along with Centurion soldiers live) because a large amount of Underworld Monsters are terrorizing the place. Palutena tells Pit to go after the Hewdraw and destroy it, as it is the one in charge of this scene. The Hewdraw now has three heads, the power of flight and has a split personality. One head is polite and friendly, another is a nerd, and the last one is a big jerk. Depending on the order the heads are defeated, dialogue will be different. But after two heads pop off, if Pit takes to long to finish it off, Palutena will blow up the final head with a laser which she calls the "Sacred Goddess Glam Blaster".

But unfortunately, the first two heads survive and start terrorizing a medium sized town. After fighting through some newly encountered enemies, Palutena then uses an ability called "Monster Pheromone" to attract one of the surviving heads to Pit, who is at the center of town. But this battle is short and easy, as all the head can do is bounce wildly around the arena, hoping to either crush Pit, or Bite him.

After destroying the head, Pit makes his way to the lake, where the other surviving head is. And now it regenerated, and is whole again. So basically he grew a tail like a lizard. Because the Hewdraw is a snake. That has, or had, three heads. This is the Boss, so Pit wins the level by beating him up and destroying him.

After defeating the Hewdraw, Pit must go to the Reaper Fortress, home of the Great Reaper, king of all Reapers (Tricky foes. When they see Pit, they will sound an alarm, summoning tiny versions of themselves call Reapettes). The Flight is tricky, just as tricky as the Reapers themselves. Instead of flying through the air, you fly through a secret entrance in a secret lake in a secret mountain pass going through secret mountains. That is a LOT of secret stuff. Anyway, after flying through the lake Pit is attacked by Lasers, and although Palutena and Pit wanted to take a side entrance in, they are Force to make an emergency landing and go through the front gate. From there, Pit must sneak around and fight all the non Reaper Enemies (when your intensity level is super high, Ornes will appear. They are the most powerful enemy in the game, as merely touching one will instantly kill you. And there is only one weapon that works on them). After that Pit fights the Great Reaper and beats him up, like really bad. So bad he EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Pit interrogated a Reaper between this level and the previous level. Because Palutena says that a Reaper gave away the location of Pandora's hideout. Pandora is a living fireball. Guarding a Sacred Treasure's casket. Pandora also reveals that she built a driving course in her labyrinth of deceit, so she can learn how to drive and get a driver's license. But she realizes that she can't drive because as a living fireball she has no hands. Or feet. Or a body. But after beating her (Pandora plays possum, though), Pit accidentally breaks a magical mirror, thus creating a doppelganger called Dark Pit (he looks like Pit but the white tunic Pit wears is black for Dark Pit, Dark Pit has red eyes, Black Wings instead of blue eyes and white wings, and a deeper voice).

The next level focuses entirely on finding, chasing, and dueling Dark Pit (Pit starts calling him Pit-too, a direct reference to Mewtwo. A clone of a Pokemon called Mew. Which is said to be the Creator of all Pokemon.) And Since that Dark Pit is a clone, he can do everything YOU can do!!!! He even has a weapon named after him!!!! The Dark Pit Staff!!! It Looks more like a sniper rifle than a Staff though.). Anyway, He is fought during the Flight section, Land section, and the Boss section in this level. He only uses four weapons though.

After beating Dark Pit (who retreats at the last moment), Pit flies to the desert to find an Under Water Palace. When arriving at the coastline, Poseidon (controller of the seas) opens a path for Pit leading straight to the palace. Even Palutena told him that he would have to swim there. After arriving in the castle's entrance, Pit continues on foot. The reason why he came here is to get the Underworld Key, which allows one to visit the Underworld as many times as s/he pleases. And the current owner is Thanatos. He was once called Tanatos, but added an "H". He says that the H stands for "H-amazing". He is also a shape-shifter, but only uses this power if the intensity is 6.0 or higher. But after getting the Key, you can go to the Underworld, home of the famous Medusa.

But before you go to the Underworld, you need to suit up. That's where this level comes in. Some Pirates from Outer Space stole the second strongest weapon in the Game: The Three Sacred Treasures. So Pit has to get it from Space Pirates!!!! The most dangerous Pirates in Space!!!! This is the highest Pit has flown in his life, because in this level you fly though OUTER SPACE!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Some Underworld monsters also want the Three Sacred Treasures, so it's a race to see who can get the Three Sacred Treasures. And once Pit comes face-to-face with the Captain (who threatens to make Pit walk the plank), the Captain is grabbed by a tendril and eaten by a Space Kraken (the most dangerous Kraken in Space). So Pit shoots it down with his weapon.

Okay, NOW you can go to the Underworld. Curiously enough, Dark Pit helps Pit get to the entrance, and beats up the Gate-Keeper (and hundreds of other dudes). After fighting some Tempura Wizards (Wizards that turn people in a tempura), And some other dudes, Pit comes face-to-face with Medusa, and activates the Wings of Pegasus, which grant infinite flight to angels when used.

After beating Medusa in a three stage battle, the credits scroll. But Hades tears through the Credits and says to the player (NOT Pit, the player playing as Pit) that they cannot beat the game until the player defeats him.

Hades then sends some Underworld characters to gain a powerful item known as the Wish Seed (a seed that grants wishes). Why? He SAYS that he wants to revive the dead parents of a little girl, but this guy is a VILLAIN. He is so VILLAINOUS that you can SMELL his VILLAINY 20,000 miles away. So obviously he wants to use it to take over the world. This level is tricky because there are two flight paths to the Wish Seed. One through a cave and the other through a volcanic mine field. The cave has thousands of enemies, but is safer. The other path has only five or six enemies, but is much more dangerous with the constant eruptions. So Pit flights through the rest of the volcanic wasteland and fights a Phoenix to get the Wish Seed. Unfortunately, it turns out that the Wish Seed is just a normal seed. It can't grant a wish even if it wanted to. Palutena says that if someone got their hands on such power, they would be unstoppable.

Unfortunately, the humans still don't know that the Wish Seed is a fake. So there is a large scale war between two different kinds of humans. So Viridi (A.K.A. Mother Nature) is going to destroy the entire human race!!! With a bomb that only destroys humans while sparing everything else!!! So Pit and Palutena have to stop her (It's Palutena's job as the goddess of light, and it's Pit's job because he is an angel working for the goddess of light. In fact Pit may be a Guardian Angel, considering that everything he does involves protecting humanity.). But after the Flight Viridi orders her soldiers (which she calls her children) to "politely destroy the guest". After fighting wave after wave after wave of Forces of Nature, Viridi summons her champion: A rock monster named Cragalanche. Cragalanche is only vulnerable if you concentrate fire (or combos, if you are using a weapon specializing in close quarters combat) on a red dot on the back.

After defeating Cragalanche and gathering up the survivors of the Reset Bomb's impact, Pit sets out to find Viridi's Reset Bomb Factory/Stash. But before that, Pit must destroy another Reset Bomb. Once that is out of the way, Pit continues in the factory on foot. The boss is unique in the way that it does not fight back, but has Forces of Nature dudes protecting it. But Pit knocks them in a pit between the boss (A Reset Bomb Pod), and Pit. It eventually explodes, taking the factory with it.

After defeating Viridi (she retreated), Pit starts singing a victory song and says that he can go after Hades. However, Viridi has dangerous allies, including a guy called Arlon the Serene. In fact, his moon shaped fortress is even more dangerous than the Reset Bombs as it has enough firepower to slaughter the human race in a day. So Pit flies up to it, boards it, fights his way to Arlon's chamber, and runs into Dark Pit who is currently working for the Forces of Nature as a neutral party. So Pit and Dark Pit (Pit is still calling him Pit-too) engage in a duel. After that, Pit makes his way to Arlon and they fight each other with our angel hero coming out on top. And he destroys the Lunar Sanctum (as the fortress is called).

As Pit leaves the Sanctuary (the "relax and take a breather" room of the game. Pit has to jump out of it's doors to go anywhere.) he barely dodges a Laser. Viridi's Second in Command, Phoshora and Thanatos (he's back again) are locked in a battle, with the Underworld Horde and the Forces of Nature brawling a free-for-all-brawl on ground level. Pit helps in defeating Thanatos, but does not get the final blow. But Pit needs to defeat Phoshora at her hideout because Viridi STILL wants to destroy humanity. And after a "shocking" (Get it? Because Phoshora has lightning powers.) battle, Pit leaves the temple victorious.

Now here is where it gets crazy nasty. Pit wakes super early in the morning and has to defend the Earth from Alien Invaders from Outer Space!!!!!!!!! How does Pit know they are Aliens? Because Hades is complaining that if the ALIENS take over, HE won't be able to take over the world himself. And Viridi is doing the same thing, only difference is that she doesn't NEED to take over, because she has been ruling the Earth (specifically the wildlife and plants) for thousands of years. These Aliens are called the Aurum. Copy-Cats. They create duplicates of whatever they kidnap. During the flight fight the (self proclaimed) god of the sun Prryhon shows up and helps out in destroying a portion of the Aurum. Now you know how Viridi wants to blow up humans, right? Well she no longer wants that, but still holds a grudge on humans. Because now the Forces of Nature are your sidekicks!!!! They help out by fighting side by side with you. Once Pit lands on an Aurum base, he notices how there is lack of life. He also guesses that a boss is going to jump out and say "Mwa ha ha!!! I've been waiting for you, Pit!!!!". After fighting his way through the Aurum soldiers, Pit goes to the Aurum Core. Hades also sends reinforcements, but they are destroyed by the Core before the battle even began. After fighting and destroying the Core, Prryhon saves Pit's life, and Palutena teleports Pit back to the Sanctuary.

Now Pit's homeworld is being invaded!!! Palutena uses her "Power of Weak-Point Exposure" to make the vital points on the Aurum attack ships visible, allowing Pit to optionally destroy Aurum ships as he flies around. Hades sends in some Monoeyes (disembodied, floating eyeballs) to look the larger ships. While the Underworld is doing that, Pit heads straight for the Aurum Hive. Unfortunately, the entrance is sealed off with an energy barrier. But the Monoeyes ram a hijacked Aurum ship into the barrier, thus opening the entrance, and in turn, allowing Pit to continue on foot. After fighting through more Aurum, Pit then has to fight the Aurum Generator while rail grinding on cables. Later on Prryhon tries to help by shooting lava at the Generator, but it absorbs the attack and becomes stronger. But Pit blows it up.

And this is the Aurum's final moments. Prryhon merges with the Aurum Brain, leader of all Aurum. However, the explosion caused by the fusion will cause Pit to use up four minutes of flight and Palutena "switches off" Pit's flight to save him. He only falls a few feet, because now the Forces of Nature are carrying you on a small platform. But Pit wants a bigger platform, as there is no room on the smaller platform. But the Forces of nature are destroyed, and Palutena summons some Centurion Strong-Arms to carry Pit's platform all the way to the boss. Which is against Aurum Prryhon, an Aurum version of Prryhon. So Pit defeats Prryhon, reverting the transformation. What happens to Prryhon is unknown, even though Palutena hopes that he uses his power to send the Aurum to the other side of the Galaxy.

This level is unique because you can play as three non-angel characters, and it does not begin with Pit flying to the level's location, but rather, ends that way. Pit wakes up and finds he has been turned into a teeny tiny gold ring. Whoever puts on the ring will be possessed by Pit's soul. First a little girl puts on the ring, allowing the player to play as the girl. She is slow in terms of speed, despite being small and lightweight. After traversing the town streets Pit finds Palutena's soldiers fighting down the road and wonders if Palutena sent them there to protect the citizens. But the girl drops the ring, and a dog puts it on, allowing the player to play as the dog. Using the dog's super running speed, Pit finds Magnus the Bounty Hunter. Who just finished fighting Centurions. Magnus puts on the ring, and when he does, Pit telepathically asks him exactly why are Centurions terrorizing humanity. Magnus reveals that it has been three years since Pit and Magnus last saw each other and that Pit's empty shell of a body is public enemy number one. When Pit tells Magnus to get the ring back to Pit's body (which is smashing everything in sight.). So Magnus finds Pit's body (after all, since the body IS public enemy number one, there is a bounty on it's head, which means Magnus is going to destroy the body anyway), fights it, and slips the ring on the body's middle finger, returning Pit to his original state. Pit then realizes he needs to get back to Sky-World, but he can't without the power of flight, which must be granted to him. But Mother Nature Viridi grants the power of flight to Pit, allowing him to return to Sky-World.

Now this is where things get weird. Palutena betrays Pit and blocks him out of the Sanctuary via energy Barrier. So Viridi teleports Pit to her version of the Sanctuary (exactly the same but with a plant theme.). Now Pit needs to suit up. With a Chariot. A Lightning Chariot!!!! But to get it, you need to climb a extremely tall tower on foot. In fact this tower is so big that it has a second loading screen. In fact, Viridi says that they are not allowed to talk about that extra loading screen. Hades also wants the Lightning Chariot, simply because he thinks that riding in it will attract girls (a running gag in this game is that Hades flirts with all female characters, considers himself a "ladies' man" and ever since he first revealed himself he has been looking for more ways to attract girls). But the Chariot Master won't give up the Lightning Chariot to ANYONE unless they beat him in a fair, one-on-one chariot race. If you win, he gives you the Chariot. But if he gives the Lightning Chariot to anyone, he will die. Because he is the guardian of the Lightning Chariot and once he gives someone else the chariot he will fulfill his purpose and dissolve into energy.

This flight is a lot different from the others. Instead of just using wings to fly, Pit uses the Lightning Chariot to mount an assault on Palutena's temple. The only thing faster than the chariot is the lasers the unicorns pulling it shoot out of their horns. Anyway, The Lightning Chariot is so fast that it can blast through anything. Even energy barriers!!!! Unfortunately, turns out that when Pit destroyed the Lunar Sanctum a few levels ago a creature called the Chaos Kin escaped it's prison. It's a parasite that has complete control of it's victims as it slowly drains the LIFE ENERGY out of the victim in question. So Pit beats up the Chaos Kin, and the Chaos Kin retreats to a pocket dimension called the Chaos Vortex. But it drags Palutena's soul with it. Pit failed to get in the portal in time, but Dark Pit shows up and uses the Lightning Chariot to smash open a hole in the portal, keeping it open longer and widening it at the exact same time.

But before Pit can go in there, Viridi tells him to save his progress first. After that, Pit and Dark Pit dive right into the heart of the Chaos Vortex and fight the Chaos Kin. But after defeating eight waves of enemies summoned By the Chaos Kin, and Defeating the Chaos Kin itself, it comes back to life and uses the last amount of strength to throw Dark Pit off the Arena. Pit flies and saves Dark Pit, but remember in the first paragraph in the parenthesis that if an angel flies for more than five minutes their wings will burn up, and thus rendering them flightless and crippled? Yeah, Pit's wings burn up, revealing the skeletal frame of the wings.

And NOW it gets AMAZING, DAZZLING, and FANTASTIC!!!! You play as Dark Pit!!! Dark Pit needs to carry Pit to the Rewind Spring, capable of restoring severe injuries. Even restoring burnt to the bone angel wings. But Dark Pit has fixed the one major flaw of Pit's flight (despite being a clone): He can fly as long as he wants without burning up!!!!! But before Pit can recover, Pandora shows up and uses the Rewind Spring to give herself a body: The body of a teenage human girl. But Dark Pit beats her up, she retreats, and here is a funny. Not a single character in the whole game knew that Pandora was originally a teenage human girl, not even Hades. Even Pit is surprised because when Pandora winked at him, he shouted "Who is THAT!?!?!?". But Anyway, Pit regrows his wings and Dark Pit, ashamed of the good deed he just did, tries to flee, but now that Pit has his wings, Dark Pit can no longer fly without a god/goddess to grant him flight. Because he almost fell to his doom. But Viridi saved him by teleporting him to safety

Okay, the Aurum have went back to their home planet, humans are no longer warring with each other, the Forces of Nature are no longer trying to reset the planet, the Space Pirates are no longer roaming the cosmos stealing constellations or stuff like that, and there are NO more distractions. Now Pit gets to fight Hades with the Three Sacred Treasures!!!!!! But Hades smashes the Sacred Treasures, and swallows Pit whole. So Pit has to fight his way to the "heart". However, Pit says "It's the closest thing to a heart a guy like Hades can get". And Pit smashes the heart!!! It does not kill Hades though. And Dark Pit gets Pit out of that stomach by driving the Lightning Chariot straight into Hades' chest, puncturing it, and Pit hitches a ride and escapes with Dark Pit. Although Hades is in great pain via combo of Dark Pit driving through him and Pit smashing his heart, he just walks it off.

Now only one person can help Pit. The god of blacksmiths: Dyntos!!! He built a GIANT ROBOT COMBAT SUIT!!!!!!! IT IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!! But he will not help Pit unless he completes three trials. First trial: Defeat a clone of the Phoenix, and next a copy of Cragalanche, and finally ANOTHER Space Kraken (The most dangerous Kraken in Space). Second trial: Defeat Magnus the Bounty Hunter AND Dark Lady Gaol (or Dark Lord. I like using "Lady" better, because it fits Gaol's true gender) at the same time!!!! Final Trial: Fight the GIANT ROBOT COMBAT SUIT!!!!!!!! But Dyntos "adds in some freebies" because in between each battle, you would have to fight enemies from ALL five factions!!!! Space Pirates!!! Underworld Horde!!! Forces of Nature!!!! Aurum!!!!!! And Palutena's Army!!!!!! Surprisingly, there are no Neutral Parties to fight. But this is what the weapon Dyntos promised to give Pit, the only weapon capable of destroying Hades (In fact, Dyntos is a thousand times more powerful than Hades. Also, he is the most powerful character in the game, so powerful he could rule the entire UNIVERSE if he wanted to, but he doesn't.): The GIANT ROBOT COMBAT SUIT!!!!!!! By the way the GIANT ROBOT COMBAT SUIT is called the Great Sacred Treasure.

Okay, NOW it's time for the final battle!!!!!! Pit's got the Great Sacred Treasure, and Hades has nowhere to run. This battle is actually just one long Flight Fight. Here is how the fight went. Hades attacks with lasers, twisters, and other moves. The Great Treasure works just like normal Pit: Since the game is on 3DS, these controls are handheld style. Press the L button to fire a charged shot, and hold that same button down to engage rapid fire. When standing close enough to an enemy, keep pressing the L button to do a combo. When attacking from a distance, use the Stylus to aim. And use the circle pad to move across the screen. That's it. But after enough hits, Hades retreats to the surface to recharge (he eats souls for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner. Literally). Then guns sprout from his legs and cape. The Treasure switches to Pursuit Mode (it can transform for different situations. Pursuit mode for chasing things, Mech Armor Mode for taking a brutal attack, etc.) to chase Hades. After the treasure blows up several guns and a green gem on Hades' collar, He launches missiles at Pit, so the Treasure switches to Mech Armor mode to survive the explosion, perfectly unscathed. Later on Hades tries to drill away the Mech Armor, But the Treasure literally turns into a giant sword and chops Hades in half. But Hades regenerates shortly afterward, and the Treasure switches to Ultra-Light Mode. After sustaining a great deal of damage, Hades destroys the Great Sacred Treasure. the Player must align Pit with the ground for a safe landing. Palutena then senses an outside force coming for Hades (who is charging a super deadly laser). The Player must keep their targeting reticule on Hades at all times. The Outside Force is revealed to be Medusa, who wounds Hades. Hades regenerates and uppercuts Medusa, killing her. Viridi then gives Pit the power of flight and Pit grabs the Great Sacred Treasure's primary cannon. Here is the tough part. Pit must evade lasers and other stuff, while Palutena AND Viridi charge the cannon. Once fully charged, the Cannon will PERMANENTLY destroy Hades. And now everyone enjoys a well-deserved HAPPILY EVER AFTER MOMENT. With Viridi asking why Pit protects humans. Pit replies that humans are the only beings that believe in, and respect deities. Viridi then labels religion as a way to get wishes granted.


Here's a funny moment. If you wait through the credits, Hades will show up and say (NOTE: CONVERSATION IS FROM DIVINIPEDIA THE KID ICARUS WIKI): "Well, okay, I am impressed. Such a teeny little angel defeating such a big, bad god of the Underworld. Why, Pitty, that must make you the most powerful Nintendo character of all time. I'm actually rather proud of you. 8-bit Pit would've never made it this far. But don't worry, I'm not going to tear up the credits again, the game really IS over... Which is why I'm here to delete your save data!"


*Screen blacks out*

*Screen lights up again*

"Noooo, I'm just messing with you, buddy. Settle down! Your save's, oh, er, safe. I can't, I don't even have a body anymore. Couldn't delete a save file if I wanted to. I'm not even sure if I can be resurrected in this state. There's the real tragedy. This dashing physique, this literally GODLY body, is gone forever. Ladies everywhere are no doubt weeping as we speak. Your fault!"

"Oh well, I'll figure something out. I have, what, 25 years for the next sequel?"

"Anyhoo! Anywho, you can always revisit me and other...friends...in the chapters you've beat. You could play battles over and over again like a favorite book, or a broken record. Oh! And if the mood strikes you, throw some hearts into the Fiend's Cauldron, hard, spice up the difficulty of a level and commend you some sweet rewards! And because I'm not a sore loser, I unlocked Boss Battle Mode for you."

Monday, June 17, 2013

Smash Time!!!!!!

This post is about Super Smash Bros!!!!! Because they are coming out with a NEW game in the series!!!!!

One improvement is that it is now impossible to trip. Sometimes in the older games if you try to dash, your character would trip and are left vulnerable to attack until they get back up. But another improvement is that they added Mega Man to the series.

If you do not know who Mega Man is, he is a Capcom video game character. He is a robot that gets a new upgrade every time he beats a boss. He can use those same upgrades in this game too!!! Oh, one more thing. He can turn his hands into a special weapon called the Mega Buster (he uses this weapon for all but one of his attacks.). Another cool thing is that another Newcomer is the Villager. From Animal Crossing. This is a little weird considering the fact that the Villager never fought a battle in his life. So he is a rookie. Unlike Mega Man, who has been fighting bad guys in over 50 games, and has been fighting other dudes in various Marvel vs Capcom video games. And the game has some veteran fighters such as Mario, Link, Pit (this time he has his Kid Icarus: Uprising weapons instead of a simple bow), Donkey Kong, Bowser, Samus Aran (now her battle suit has a new design), Pikachu, Fox McCloud and Kirby. I do not know if Sonic the Hedgehog is in the game, because there is no mention of him on any source of info. But it would be awesome if they included him in the game.

Another newcomer is the Wii Fit Instructor. She is a human exercise instructor. From the game Wii Fit. All her attacks are actually yoga poses except her dash attack and Final Smash. And just like last time there are awesome stages with some traps to spice up the brawling. One of these stages is Skyloft!!!! From Legend of Zelda!!!! There is also another stage that was made just for the game. It's a boxing arena. Complete with ropes around the edges. And just like last time there is at least one stage based off an area in the game universe of a character. Not counting R.O.B.. It doesn't get a home stage. Because it is not a video game character, but a video game accessory. it was an expansion pack for a classic game console. Which one I do not know.

Yet again, I don't know if R.O.B. is even in the game. Just like Sonic there is not a mention of him in any info source. This game is also for Wii U and 3DS. But if you have a Wii U and a 3DS get the Wii U version if you want the Villager. As far as I can tell the Villager is exclusive to Wii U. Because all of his screen-shots are on the Wii U and his trailer doesn't feature him until the Wii U segment comes in. Mega Man is in both versions though. Because although HIS trailer is entirely on Wii U he has screen-shots showing him in the 3DS version.

That is all the info on this game that is available. For more info, wait a year or so and the game will come out. By then every thing you need to know about the game will be available.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ultimate Star Wars Time!!!!!

I was looking through my old posts and I noticed that I only wrote posts about Star Wars the Old Republic and Star Wars the Force Unleashed. So THIS post is covering everything in between!!!!

I should start with the Main Series. The original trilogy was about the adventures of a Jedi named Luke Skywalker. Then there is the Prequel Trilogy, which was about the origins of Luke's father, Darth Vader (also known as Anakin Skywalker). As of episode three, Darth Vader became a cyborg. Both his legs and his arms were chopped off, his lungs were not working properly, and his face was horribly scarred. In fact in the Old Republic there was a guy called Darth Malgus that has a identical (but shorter) story. He fought a Jedi, and that Jedi used a massive burst of Force energy to heavily damage his lungs. However, his legs and arms were still intact. In order to survive, he turned himself into a cyborg. The only part of him that was mechanical was the lower jaw, which was replaced with a breathe mask. But Vader was mechanical from head to toe.

If you do not know what a Jedi is, the Jedi are super awesome intergalactic heroes with super powers connected to a special type of energy called the Force. The leaders of the Jedi Order are known as the Jedi Council. They are not a species. They are an organization. Well not really an organization but lets call it an organization. Some Jedi are humans, while others are not. The most famous non human Jedi was named Yoda. His species is unknown. His homeworld is unknown. But it is known that he likes to talk backwards. He says the last few words of a sentence followed by the first words of a sentence. There are five ranks in the Jedi Order: Young-ling, the lowest rank. Young-lings are nothing more than students (in fact they are children). Next is the Padawan. The second lowest ranking. Once a Young-ling completes his/her basic training, it becomes a Padawan and can get advanced training from either a Knight or a Master as well as a real Lightsaber (Young-ling Lightsabers are more like batons than swords. In fact you can grab the blade and the only injury is a small burn). The next rank is the Knight. When a Padawan completes his/her advanced Training, they become a Knight, the third highest rank. A Knight can then train a Padawan. Then there is the Master. When a Knight's Padawan becomes a Knight, the Knight will become a Master, the second highest rank. And Finally is the Grand Master, the highest rank of all. A Grand Master controls the Jedi Council itself and in turn, the entire Order. To become a Grand Master, you must be the heir to someone who is already a Grand Master. Yoda happens to be a Grand Master.

There are also dudes called the Sith. The exact opposite of a Jedi. Same super powers. Only they use their powers for evil, while Jedi use their powers for good. Star Wars: The Old Republic reveals there are two ranks: Acolyte, the lowest rank. They are apprentices. And Darth, the highest rank. Acolytes must complete their training to be given the rank of Darth. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed reveals that Darth Vader has his own apprentice named Galen Marek.

There's also a catch to being a Jedi. You are not allowed to have a normal social life. Because say a Jedi falls in love. The Jedi do not allow love because compassion leads to worry, worry leads to fear, fear leads to hate, and hate leads to the Dark Side. So that Jedi is sooner or later going to become a Sith. In fact that is exactly what Sith are. Rogue Jedi that have been exposed to the Dark Side of the Force. To decrease the chance of having that happen to the next generation, the Jedi would take children that are Force Sensitive (a person that has the same powers of a Jedi and a Sith but are neither) at an early age, like when the child is only a week old and raise it to be a full fledged Jedi. They never take children that are a few years old because that's when the emotions kick in. I know that thanks to the Star Wars wiki, Wookiepedia.

There are also awesome aliens called Wookies. They can perfectly understand every language in the Star Wars galaxy, but they can only speak their own language. They have really long life spans, living for over 900 years. The most famous Wookie is named Chewbaca, or Chewie for short. Chewie is the partner of Han Solo, who owes a crime lord named Jabba the Hutt because Han Solo used to work for him and dropped some stuff in space to lose weight to escape the Sith Empire. Chewie also is a mechanic. Both Chewie and Han Solo have a starship called the Millennium Falcon. It's a freighter. Designed to carry all sorts of stuff. Like Spices, Weapons, Holograms, and other cool stuff.

In fact in the Old Republic the Smuggler Class gets a Starship that looks very similar to the Millennium Falcon, Only difference is that it looks brand new, while the Falcon looks very old and is starting to wear down.

In Episodes Four and Six there is a massive battle station called the Death Star. It looks exactly like a mechanical planet, with a "crater" on one side. This crater is actually part of the design. In fact it's actually a Laser Cannon. Well if you want to get technical, it's actually ten small laser cannons that fire at the exact same time and the lasers combine into a giant laser. This weapon has enough fire-power to destroy entire planets. However, there is a flaw in the design. If you fire a torpedo into a small cooling vent that is perfectly exposed, the torpedo will go down into the core, causing the whole thing to explode, taking the crew on board with it. However that is easier said than done because the Death Star is covered in Turrets, can deploy star-fighters, and if you are with the Rebel Alliance, you only get one shot. Because they only have a few torpedoes, each one equipped to a different Star-fighter. Luke managed to score the hit.

However, In the Old Republic there is a battle Station that makes the Death Star look harmless. It's called the Hammer Station. Instead of firing a laser, it can use a Gravity Cannon to fling Asteroids at targets. This is a danger to both planets and battle cruisers, because their shields are designed to absorb lasers, not physical impact.

There are also very funny aliens in the series known as Gungans. From the planet Naboo. They have their own slang!!! Often saying stuff like "Mesa". The most famous of the Gungans is Jar Jar Binks. Very clumsy on dry land, yet very agile when underwater. Because Gungans are semi-aquatic. In fact they always build their cities underwater.

The last bit of info I will reveal is that their is a sport called Pod-Racing. Very Fast, very dangerous. The goal is simple. Cross the Finish line three times in a row. The only hard part is staying in one piece as you get there. Anakin Skywalker once competed in a race on the planet Tatooine. And came in first place. He was the only racer to cross the finish line three times. Because everyone else crashed.

If you want more info, please go to Wookiepedia, the Star Wars Wiki.