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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront!!!

This is a post about a upcoming Star Wars video game. Star Wars Battlefront! (NOTE: THE DAY THIS POST IS BEING PUBLISHED ON IS NATIONAL COFFEE DAY)

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So what is Star Wars Battlefront? It's a Star Wars game that somewhat breaks the rule that all Star Wars games have you play as either a Jedi or a Sith (sometimes both). In case you are new to Star Wars (which should be almost impossible) the Jedi are good guys and the Sith are bad guys. That's all you got to remember. In Fact the most iconic Sith ever is in the logo (the dude in black).

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Darth Vader!!

Random fun fact about the Sith known as Darth Vader! His name is Dutch for "father". Very fitting because he's, Spoiler Alert!, the father of the main hero of the franchise, Luke Skywalker. Well, it's not much of a spoiler because you will find millions of things about the "I am your Father" scene from Star Wars 5. Plus that movie came out many years ago

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Luke Skywalker!

Anyway, Star Wars Battlefront was originally a Third Person Shooter game that took place during the most iconic scenes from the the six films. From the Battle of Hoth to the Invasion of Naboo, you could play as your favorite characters during these iconic scenes (count how many times I use the word "iconic").

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This game is a reboot of the original. If you go on the website or even GameStop's website, you will notice all forms of advertisement pride the game on being the most immersive Star Wars game ever. Which seems like the case considering they are pulling every single visual/sound effect straight from the movies and putting them in the game.

The creators of this game, DICE, also said there will be character customization, but limited in some areas. For example you can't make a purple Stormtrooper because Stormtroopers are supposed to wear a white uniform. In case you don't know, Stormtroopers are soldiers that normally wear white uniforms but high ranking Stormtroopers sometimes decorate their armor with various colored markings that are orange and blue. And no, you can NOT change the color of Darth Vader's suit.

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You can switch between a first- and third-person
perspective with the push of a button.

Star Wars Battlefront will also be bringing in loads of controllable vehicles such as...

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TIE Fighters!!

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The Millennium Falcon!!!

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And AT-AT Walkers!!

Tons of awesome stuff if I do say so myself!

Oh and this is a online multiplayer game as well. They are planning on release a beta of the multiplayer before the game actually arrives.

They have shown off two multiplayer missions that I am aware of. The first has two player controlled Rebel Alliance soldiers stranded on the desert planet Tatooine. And there is a army of Stormtroopers advancing their way. The two Rebels must survive long enough for the Alliance two send reinforcements.

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The second is much more GRAND in scale and action.

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In this mission, it's a MASSIVE 40 player (that is, 20-vs-20) battle between the Sith Empire (who are playable in this mode) and the Rebel Alliance. Right on the surface of the frozen wasteland that is the planet Hoth. Just think about it for a second. 20-vs-20. That is a lot of people in one game!!

Oh and in addition to ground based combat, there are also aerial dogfights.

Star Wars Battlefront is coming out November 17th (19th if you live in Australia and 20th if you live in Europe) on PS4, Microsoft Windows, and Xbox One. Sadly it will not be coming out on PS3 or Xbox 360. It will also be available in a PS4 bundle that includes a PS4 with the Darth Vader mask engraved on it, the Star Wars Battlefront game, a controller with a black, silver and red color scheme, a 500GB memory card, and the download codes needed to get not one but four classic Star Wars games. And by classic, I mean retro/8-bit. That is a lot of stuff. Only problem is that bundle costs $449.99. That is a lot of money.

But you can buy it separately for 59.99 if A: You already own a PS4. And B: You do not have enough money to buy the bundle. By the way I do NOT know how much money it costs outside of USA.