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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Minecraft Story Mode Episode 4: A Block and a Hard Place Review! (obvious spoilers for previous episodes)

The second to last episode of Minecraft Story Mode came out a few months back and I wanted to review it so badly but life happened. Now I can finally share my opinion on arguably the best Minecraft Story Mode episode to date.

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Before we begin I just want to say that this WILL inevitably include spoilers, not for this episode but for previous ones. If you want to go in fresh/blind/untainted then get the Season Pass disc and play through all the episodes.

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The game opens with a epic horseback chase scene.

This episode starts out strong with an epic chase scene where Jesse and friends are reunited with either Petra or Gabriel (based on your choices back in Episode 1). Whoever it is they will have amnesia (cliche I know. Just DEAL WITH IT!!! :D).

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The Cake is a L- *dragged off by stage hook*

This episode is notably the longest episode to date. I finished it in three-four hours. Episodic games sure are short, aren't they?

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Behold the monument to chaos itself: Chara- Oops
I mean- The Far Lands!

This episode reveals why the villain of the series, Ivor, hates the original members of the Order of the Stone so much. While some may argue that Ivor's plan was too extreme I found the reveal to be interesting. I gave a hint to what the reveal actually is without downright saying it. You get a free imaginary cookie if you find it! :P

Also, it's about time! Jesse (and later on his friends) finally get some decent weapons and armor (the last Major Decision is choosing one of five Diamond Tier weapons to fight the madness that is the Wither Storm). Speaking of which towards the climax you get to choose one of EIGHT different armor sets. While clicking the look at button you get a brief description of the armor, although they are for aesthetics. Alternatively, you can keep either Magnus or Ellegaard's battle armor if you so choose.

I like how this episode steps up the A game when it comes to the puzzles. Although they are really straight forward, they feel Minecraft-y. For example you have to have to put five items into what is known as a Hopper-Lock (throw a specific quantity of a specific item into a Hopper, triggering some Redstone, and thus unlocking the door).

Oh and there was the moment... At the end... Saddest moment in Minecraft History!!! Granted, I saw it coming. It's freaking TellTale Games! They always kill off everybody's favorite character! I won't spoil who it is, but it should be obvious. Still, it made a lot of people look like this.

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In Terms of Game-Play, this episode brought back the auto-running minigame from Episode 1. They also brought back the handshake. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, ALL the way back in Episode 1 Jesse and friends can choose one of four handshakes that coincidentally are themed around the Order of the Stone members, who are based off the four player behaviors of Minecraft. Only now the handshake is cool and they figured out how to make it work.

Something I found unique is that almost every Major Decision has more than two outcomes. The first Major Decision is in regards to Lucas (if you read my review of the previous Episode you know that I hate the fact he acts so out of character in Episode 3). Thankfully the writers got their act together and Lucas is no longer an ill-tempered jerk (his original personality had him being slightly cowardly but well meaning and friendly). In this Major Decision, you can choose to let Lucas find his old friends, convince him to stay in the Gang (it's been so long since I said this, but, NOT MOBSTER GANG, TEAM GANG!!!! Oh it felt so good to say that after 3 whole months! :]) or be a jerk to him. This last decision alters the last scene in the episode that makes people think he will be the next major villain.

Anyway, the final boss of the Episode is of course the Wither Storm.

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This isn't even my FINAL FORM!

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Okay, NOW I am in my final form.

Something interesting is that SPOILER ALERT!!!! The Wither Storm is dead for real at the end. And There is one episode left. I have a feeling TellTale is going to pull a Dragon Ball Z and introduce some new nigh unstoppable monster to defeat in Episode Five, giving way to the (theoretical) Season 2 of Minecraft Story Mode. Maybe the Ender-Dragon? *winks and nudges in a painfully obvious manner*

This Episode is my favorite episode by far. The only thing I didn't like? The Maze Puzzle.*groans* Single most boring and repetitive moment in the game. So I will tell you ALL the solution to save you the agony that I went through. GO LEFT. Keep going to the left as far as you possibly can. The game makes you think you go forwards and to the right. The game LIES!!!!

Normally the short length of these episodes bug me but this one is quite long and filled with a LOT  of stuff. It also does what Episode 2 failed: To create a sense of a epic journey. The opening credits roll while Jesse and friends are heading off the the appropriately named Far Lands. Random Fun Fact! The Far Lands is a term the Minecraft Community uses to refer to the state where naturally generated biomes become glitched and distorted. This is caused by travelling in the exact same direction for incredibly long periods of time Only Ivor has the guts to build his base of operations in the Far Lands.

The music is really good in this episode. I still think the song that plays in the Episode 3 opening is the best song in the series, with this opening song being second. But does the whole series have the best soundtrack ever? No. That goes to UNDERTALE. Now if you excuse me, I am going to jam out to UNDERTALE's beautiful soundtrack.

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I'm back from jamming out to UNDERTALE'S beautiful soundtrack! Anyway, I give Minecraft Story Mode and a 9/10. I am excited for the FINAL Episode of Minecraft Story Mode. But we don't even have a CLUE to what it will be about.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Top Fifteen Pokemon for Pokken Tournament!

Well, It finally happened. A Pokemon FIGHTING GAME.... (Spencer is lost for words)... YES!!!

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Japanese Logo!

A quick little note. A few weeks ago Nintendo left a hint on the newest playable Pokemon. That hint is that the Pokemon in question had the Japanese character "ラ" in it's name. And there are almost two dozen Pokemon with that character in their name. But who was the lucky Pokemon to get added to Pokken?

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The Poltergeist that possesses chandeliers. I laughed so hard when the reveal hit because I was expecting something like Tyranitar or the Hitmons and I got a reanimated piece of furniture. At least Garchomp is in the game!

Pokken Tournament is scheduled to release on March 18, with is surprisingly close to my birthday *winks and nudges in a "subtle as a punch to the face" manner*. While there are 16 playable Pokemon (out of 720!) in the game at the moment I thought it would be cool to make a Top 15 list for some Pokemon I would love see become playable.

Before we begin I would like to explain a few rules. First and foremost, I will be in expert Pokemon Mode, and as such I will assume you have a basic understanding of Pokemon as a whole. Second of all, I will try to avoid picking Fighting Type Pokemon unless the Pokemon can bring something I think is unique and interesting, Also, I will keep Legendaries to a minimum. In case you are unfamiliar with Pokemon, the term "Legendaries" refers to Pokemon of reality altering power *cough cough* Arceus *cough cough*. And finally, most of these Pokemon are my personal favorites so I will ignore the overall popularity of the Pokemon in question.


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Golurk is a giant robot. What? Not original enough for you? Golurk is a ghost living INSIDE a giant robot. Bonus points for having a magical band-aid. He has the ability to fly (don't ask) and can turn his hands into laser cannons (I'MA FIRIN' MAH LAZOOOOOORS!!!). And for people that complain that that Gen 5 Pokemon are poorly designed...

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Tyranitar is a Godzilla. Arguably the strongest Pokemon in terms of canonical strength (it destroys so much of the surrounding landscape that explorers have to redraw maps. Think about that). In terms of fighting style It would probably be an unstoppable force of nature. And it can transform into Meltdown Mode. What? It CAN'T go into Meltdown!? I guess Mega Mode will have to do...

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Tyranitar's Mega Mode


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Zoroark is a kitsune. Kitsune is a mythical creature from Japanese Folklore, said to have the power of shape-shifting. This is fitting as Zoroark's passive ability, Illusion has it automatically transform and mimic another Pokemon. This could be useful for really troll-y strategies. Also it is one of the nine Pokemon to be PURE Dark (PURE is a term that describes a Pokemon that only has one type by the way). It can be argued that this guy is a werewolf, but werewolves are cliche and Kitsune are newer and cooler. 


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Drapion is a giant scorpion. And I want him in a fighting game... FINISH HIM! BRUTALITY!!!! :D In all seriousness Drapion would be cool to see in Pokken. Because let's face it, everything's better with a Giant Scorpion kicking booty.


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We need a sumo in this game. And Snorlax is your man. Your Pokeman! (Bad puns are bad) Anyway Snorlax is the definition of a tank. He never takes damage ever and he has a Hyper Beam. I imagine that he would move slowly around the arena as speed is not his forte.


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...And Goodra.

Number 10 is a tie between Goomy and it's evolved form, Goodra. Both of these guys are Dragon types and are inspired by Snails...? Okay... But in all seriousness I would be content if either one made it into Pokken. Considering their highest stats are Special Defense (decreases damage from projectiles) and Special Attack (boosts the power of your own projectiles) I can see them using stuff like lasers and thunderbolts to keep the opponent far away. Although I would love to see Goodra use a bear hug style attack because it's Pokedex entry states that it likes giving hugs. And the hugs cover you in slime.Also...

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Well, this fan favorite ninja frog made his way to Smash, so why not Pokken? His previous form, Frogadier is already in the game as an assist, So I say his chances are relatively high. In terms of fighting style, he would obviously be a rusher, going in for insane combos and getting out before taking any damage. Oh and he has his Water Shuriken for a long range attack. And I think it would be quite cool if they added Protean into his moveset. In case you don't know Protean is a passive ability Greninja has that basically let's him become anything.


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Lugia is a Water-Bending bird/dragon thing. It is also the first Legendary on this list. But the thing about this Pokemon that confuses me is it lives at the bottom of the ocean and it learns a lot of Water Type attacks, And it's Pokedex entry says it can cause 40-day long thunderstorms (an obvious shoutout to Noah's Ark). But, it's not a Water type Pokemon itself. It's Psychic and Flying. In fact, several trading cards erroneously label it a Water Type Pokemon. What is this madness!? Anyway the reason I want to see this guy is because we have yet to see a bird like Pokemon in Pokken, only bipeds, quadrupeds, and the occasional poltergeist.


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Tyrantrum is a T. REX. Ever since I was a wee child I always wanted to play as a T. Rex in a fighting game. I got my wish with Battle of Giants. But I want to see THIS T. Rex fight living chandeliers and four-armed wrestlers. In terms of fighting style, Tyrantrum would play in either two ways. A absolute tank that takes very little damage but dishes out insane close range attacks. Or maybe play a little bit like a grappler (Think Grimlock from Transformers Devastation), Grabbing foes in his T. Rex jaws and throwing them around.


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The only Fighting Type on my list, Heracross is a cute little beetle. That has insanely powerful close range attacks. And this isn't even his final Form!

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Behold the power of Heracross'
Mega Mode!

Bonus points for being a popular Pokemon. Seriously a Lot of people want this guy in Pokken.


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Ah, Hydreigon. From most overpowered Pokemon ever in one generation to barely managing to keep up with the new kids the next, this guy had it rough. Don't get me wrong, he is an amazing Pokemon in terms of stats. But because he's both Dragon AND Dark, He will be lucky to survive getting hit with fairy magic. Nevertheless, he would be amazing in the game. Hydreigon would be interesting has he would probably float above the ground like a Harrier, launching a barrage of projectiles like Hyper Beam, Draco Meteor, and Shadow Ball.


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Scizor is arguably the coolest Bug Type Pokemon ever created. Just look at this thing! It's a crab/ant! This thing is similar to Heracross in the sense that it has a Mega Mode

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It's melee attacks are insanely strong and I would consider this and Heracross the best Bug reps for Pokken. Reps is short for representatives by the way.


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The Cat Returns... On my Pokken wishlist. I wanted this thing in the game since Pokken was announced. This is the last Fighting type on my list. The reason I want it? IT'S A CAT WITH WHIPS ON IT'S HANDS. First of all I LOVE cats, and think of the combos you can do with those whips. Oh and I guess it can do a Hi-Jump Kick and Low Sweep as well.


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You remember how I said that Hydreigon was at one time the most overpowered Pokemon ever? Well this cute little girl/guy (gender ratio for this Pokemon is 50/50) is the CURRENT most overpowered Pokemon ever. It fights mostly with the giant mouth-like ponytail on the back of the head. And it has the HIGHEST MELEE ATTACK STAT OF ANY POKEMON EVER. There is literally NOTHING this thing can't O.H.K.O. (One Hit Knock Out) once it goes into mega mode

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In a way, Mawile reminds me of the Wither Storm from Minecraft Story Mode. They both essentially have three heads, they both are incredibly powerful, and they both have lasers (I'MA FIRIN- oh wait I already used that joke... :S)

Before I reveal my Number 1 pick for Pokken Tournament here are some honorable mentions. If you want to know more about them you can go to a handy wiki called Bulbapedia. Here is the link.


  1. Dragonite - A childhood favorite. He didn't make the list because he is already in the game as an assist.
  2. Mewtwo - I called it. Not only is Mewtwo playable but a evil version of him called Shadow Mewtwo is the final boss. But.. Wasn't Mewtwo already evil? The Pokedex says he is the most violent Pokemon but whatever
  3. Garchomp - He was confirmed the same day the living chandelier made it's way into Pokken. I look forward to playing as him.
  4. Keldeo - A unicorn water-bender (ultimately decided that Greninja is the better water-bender).


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Sableye!! My all time favorite Pokemon is also the one I want to in Pokken most. Although I will be satisfied if Bandai Namco made any one of them playable. Also why would you not want to play as this guy!? He's PURPLE!! Anyway, I imagine the way he would fight is using status moves like Toxic, Will-O Wisp and Confuse Ray to weaken the opponent and close in... for the DEATH BLOW. And he can Mega Mode.

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So that is my Top 15 Pokemon I want to see in Pokken Tournament. Of course we will see which ones get into the game once it launches this March. If you are a Pokemon nut like me be sure to let me know what YOUR Top 15 Pokemon for Pokken are down in the comments!