Spencer's Day

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

UNDERTALE WAS IN THE NEWS!? Plus Science Spencer rant!

WARNING: This post contains a lot of me being somewhat of a jerk and even tackling some themes a little bit more mature than what is normal. But when something like this comes calling, you HAVE to answer. So I will be that guy to explain why this Fool of a Took is such an idiot.

So I was goofing around on my PC reading up on the wiki and then I saw this somewhere.

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So I did some digging around and this is an actual news story from 700 Club. But let's take a look shall we?

It reads "Recently, I was through my daughter's phone and I found many pictures of a cartoon skeleton with one glowing blue eye and wearing a hoodie. When I asked my daughter why she had such demonic images on her phone, she told me there was nothing wrong with it because it was from a video game."

For those of you who never played Undertale, there is only ONE video game character in existence that matches the description given. That is arguably everyone's (including mine) favorite character.

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Sans! But whoever this parent is, they OBVIOUSLY have no idea who Sans is if they think this guy looks demonic.

Also, in case you never played Undertale, Sans is a living skeleton with a love of puns and ketchup. He is also the final boss but ONLY if you have killed every enemy in the game. Why? Because at that point, the game has labeled you, the player, a psychotic sicko who just *murdered their way through an underground kingdom, just to get an entirely optional ending that once obtained, can NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be taken back. The game will permanently remember that you got the WORST possible ending and alter the Pacifist ending (aka the happy ending) to remind you of your sins.

And what does Sans do during a Genocide Run (as the Undertale fandom nicknamed this act)? He is like "I am sick and tired of you murdering everything in your path. So you know what? GET DUNKED ON!!!!"

So calling this guy evil is a real insult-to-injury for me. No one who ACTUALLY understands how Undertale works would even think to call Sans evil.

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I'm sorry if I am being a rant-sputtering jerk criticizing an obviously out-of-the-loop parent who, guessing from the way they wrote that message, never sat down and played a decent video game before. It's a case of some idiot making a idiotic guess at something. But as a gamer, I DON'T GIVE A DANG OVER WHETHER YOU FIND SOMETHING RELIGIOUSLY OFFENSIVE!!! IT'S A FREAKING GAME!! TAKE IT HOW IT WAS INTENDED, DANG IT!! Although there are some really inappropriate games out there that glamorizes violence, drugs, etc etc *cough cough* Fallout *cough cough*

It's like the time when people accused freaking POKEMON of all things to be inappropriate for children because of it being "religiously offensive". Well guess what? Saying you don't believe in evolution actually translates to you not believing that man came from ape. Which is not how evolution actually works.

*Puts on nerdy scientist glasses* You see, evolution, or should I say natural selection, is when there are several variations of a species. Over time some of those variations die off due to lacking a trait that other variations have. That gives the surviving variations less competition and in turn lets them survive and multiply much more frequently. So evolution at the end of the day comes down to Mother Nature taking which variations she wants, and leaving the rest high and dry. Simple as that.

Besides, if anything, Undertale has one of the best positive messages for children as the game teaches (and encourages) solving conflicts non-violently.

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As one can see on the Steam page

If you have the guts (and the bad morale compass) to murder everyone...Well let's just say...

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"You are not above consequences." - Chara, 201X.

But yeah! I apologize if this post seems mean/jerky/unpleasent and double sorry if I made you question your faith somehow. I have a feeling I will regret publishing this post. =S

Oh, and if the parent that sent that message to 700 Club is reading this, just be glad your kid didn't have any Chara pictures! (Chara is the little kid in the green sweater by the way).

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Well, they did their creepy face! Are
you happy now!?

But in all seriousness. There is only one thing to do now. I'm going to go on YouTube, Reddit, and GameFAQS and see if any one else is as salty as I am about a out-of-the-loop parent calling the most popular character of Undertale evil.

Image result for evil spongebob

Yeah... This post is quickly making me remember why I stick to video game and movie reviews lol. But anyway, if you enjoyed me going on a massive rant on stuff, then good for you! If you did not enjoy then that's understandable since this is a surprisingly negative blog post. #SaltySpencer.

I do not mean to offend anybody. As a gamer and a scientist, it is my responsibility to clarify some absurdly common misconceptions. Before you ask, yes, I do believe in God. Do I let my belief in a higher power cloud my better judgement and make idiotic assumptions about anything like the concerned parent that sent the message that was the cause of this blog post? No.

P.S. Knowing that this person has made a gamer so salty he did a blog post about it...

It fills you with DETERMINATION!!!

*- In case you were wondering, I did use the word "murder" on purpose since the game makes it clear very early on that you are a terrible person for killing someone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

IT'S MAH BIRTHDAY!! Top 5 things about ME!!!

NOTE: It is not actually my birthday since my meant to write this on my birthday but completely forgot because of Pokken Tournament being released. Then I meant to write it yesterday but forgot because of Spring Break. So NOW, two days after my birthday, I am finally writing this thing.

Normally I post reviews and what not on video games and movies and the occasional top 5/top 10 list. So today we shall look at five random fun facts about ME. Also, I will not include personal info like my phone number or address because of obvious reasons. This list will consist mostly of just funny stories about stuff that happened to me in real life. So without further adieu, let's get started shall we?

NOTE x2: If you somehow knew all five facts then either A: You are a family member or B: You are a creepy stalker. If you are the latter, then 1: I'm slightly flattered you bothered stalking me. And 2: You are a creep for doing that. In fact I would rather have NO ONE stalk me. So please, go stalk another slightly obscure blogger who writes video game and movie reviews.


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My favorite film series is Star Wars...

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While my favorite video game is Undertale. P.S. Who would win in a fight between Darth Vader and Sans?


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When I was a kid I broke my left arm in a accident involving a PE teacher and monkey bars. Ever since that fateful day I have refused to play on monkey bars. Granted, now that I am 16 years old it would be silly if I played on a playground at all. So yeah!


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During the Pokemon Splatfest I did a hilarious experiment. My favorite weapon (Aerospray RG) comes with land mines. That got me thinking "What would happen if I planted a mine on the other team's spawn point?". So I did. The first dude that respawned immediately stepped on my mine and exploded. I was laughing my butt off. So I did it again. EXACT SAME DUDE who got blown up before got blown up a second time. And I kept planting mine after mine after mine (and mines on top of those mines) and the EXACT SAME DUDE kept getting blown up AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. The whole time I was laughing like a Hyena and then the match ended and because of some idiot who walked blindly into my mines I got 25 kills during that match. It was definitely my personal favorite moment from playing that game. Moments like that make me wish I recorded game play footage and uploaded it to YouTube. Oh well.


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My entire Top 15 Pokemon For Pokken Tournament list didn't make it into the final product. I'm a little annoyed at that. Here's hoping they make some DLC. But hey! At least I predicted correctly that Mewtwo is the final boss of the story mode.


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My favorite number is one thousand, one hundred, and eleven (1111).


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In 2012 I moved to North Carolina. This was the first time I left Florida.

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I was born in Florida by the way. I actually spent most of my life here. Where do I live currently? Why no other place than...

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I'm still here...

Also am I the only one that thinks that Florida looks like a giant banana? Surely not. It's totally a banana.

WARNING: This next paragraph is a message for my good friend Vincent. Read it if you want but keep in mind most of it is intended for him. Does this count as a spoiler? Might as well...

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Vincent, I do not care what you say. Zero IS the first number. I do not care that you labeled it a "Gaster Number". The sooner you accept the truth that zero is the first number the sooner I can go about my day playing video games and watching movies. Oh wait. I do that all the time anyway. STILL. I do not want to hear "But Spencer, zero is nothingness itself! You can't make it a Top Five Slot! Hurr De Durr!" from you. It's alright for other people to make that argument because those people are the same people who believe Life's lies. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot, Count Dracula, and the Loch Ness Monster are all of the biggest lies in history. Seriously parents. Stop teaching kids that a fat man with a beard will give them presents at the end of the year for behaving nicely. Because one day, ONE DAY!!! they will learn the truth that "Old Saint Nick" is just their uncle in a silly costume. >:(

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So that does it for the Birthday special post thing. Hope you enjoyed it and stuff!

P. S. Reading this post sentence and knowing I will never let a joke go... It fills you with...