Spencer's Day

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011 Wizard101

Online Game Wizard101

In Wizard101, the game has stuff like <movie voice> drama, suspense, Kung Fu, living zombies,<excited movie voice> EXPLOSIONS!!! <normal movie voice> magic, giant evil monsters, bad guys, talking animals, and sword fighting.   Also in Wizard101, <movie voice> mystical creatures are real........especially were-wolves.   Also in Wizard101, <scary voice> there's sword swinging skeletons, hammer throwing Cyclops, blood sucking vampires, and <weird voice> pigs dressed and act like ninjas?  Also in Wizard101, there's <movie voice> wish granting fairies, cool wizard hats, exploding mushrooms, fire breathing snap dragons, lonely and sensitive asparagus, and MAN-EATING dandelions!!!

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